3Qyou 78b409d015
Add support for Chinese
* Create 简体中文

* Update 简体中文

I retranslated the latest version of the text. I really hope to see the language of my country soon. Can I advertise this modifier on the video platform after the update? I will indicate the author, the ownership of the author and the original address of this modifier. I hope you can agree. My English is not very good, if there are some grammatical errors, please forgive me! I really mean no harm.

* Add files via upload

I'm sorry, it's my first time to participate in translation, which has caused you a little trouble. I have corrected it again. Because my English is not very good, some texts have not been translated. I don't know if I can upload some of them in the way of translation, and keep the rest in the original.
2022-08-01 23:56:08 +06:00

791 lines
24 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

AddAnimation = "添加动画"
AddParticle = "添加粒子"
AnimationRemoved = "动画已删除"
AnimationTab = "动画##TABBAR"
AnimName = "动画名称"
CustomAnimsOnly = "您只能删除自定义动画"
CustomParticlesOnly = "您只能删除自定义粒子"
CutsceneRunning = "另一个过场动画正在运行"
CutsceneTab = "过场动画##TABBAR"
FightingStyle = "格斗风格"
FightingStyleSet = "格斗风格集"
IFPName = "IFP name"
InvisiblePlayer = "隐形玩家"
LoopCheckbox = "循环"
LoopCheckboxText = "继续重复播放动画"
NoTarget = "未找到玩家目标。用武器瞄准一个踏板,为动画播放器选择它。"
ParticleName = "粒子名称"
ParticleRemoved = "粒子已删除"
ParticleTab = "Particle##TABBAR"
PedAnim = "Ped anim"
PedAnimText = """
RemoveAll = "全部删除"
RemoveLatest = "删除最新"
SecondaryCheckbox = "次要"
SecondaryCheckboxText = "播放器可以在播放动画时移动"
StopAnimation = "停止动画"
StopCutscene = "Stop cutscene"
Styles = "样式"
Tasks = "任务"
PrimaryTasks = "主要任务"
SecondaryTasks = "次要任务"
WalkingStyle = "步行风格"
WalkingStyleSet = "步行风格集"
ActivateTimer = "激活作弊计时器"
ActivateTimerText = "下次激活作弊的时间"
Beach = "海滩"
CameraZoom = "相机变焦"
CameraZoomLock = "锁定相机变焦"
CameraZoomLockFreecam = "Freecam 已启用。相机变焦无法与自由相机模式一起工作"
CameraZoomLockInfo = "注意:这将永久锁定相机变焦。狙击手或示波器将无法正常工作!"
ChangeRadioStaion = "更换电台"
CurrentStation = "电流状态"
Cloudy = "多云"
Country = "国家"
CurrentDay = "当前日期"
DaysPassed = "已过去天数"
DisableCheats = "禁用作弊"
DisableReplay = "禁用 F1 和 F3 重播"
Enable = "启用"
ExtraColors = "额外颜色"
ExtraSunny = "额外阳光"
FailMission = "失败当前任务"
FasterClock = "更快的时钟"
FieldOfView = "视野"
Foggy = "雾"
ForbiddenWantedLevel = "Forbidden area wl"
ForbiddenWantedLevelText = "出现在LS之外但未完成任务的通缉级别"
FPSLimit = "FPS limit"
Freecam = "Freecam"
FreePNS = "Free pay n spray"
FreezeGame = "冻结游戏"
FreezeGameTime = "冻结游戏时间"
FunHouse = "Fun house"
GameSpeed = "游戏速度"
Gravity = "重力"
HardMode = "困难模式"
HardModeText = """
Hour = "小时"
Hurricane = "飓风"
KeepStuff = "保留东西"
KeepStuffText = "在逮捕/死亡后保留东西"
KeyAction = "操作"
KeyCombo = "组合"
MaxVehSkills = "最大车辆技能"
MaxVehSkillsText = "用尽所有车辆技能"
MaxWepSkills = "最大武器技能"
MaxWepSkillsText = "用尽所有武器技能"
Minute = "分钟"
MissionLoaderTip = """
1. 游戏崩溃
3. 打破游戏进度
Missions = "任务"
MissionStartFailed = "现在无法开始任务"
MobileRadio = "移动无线电"
MovementSpeed = "移动速度"
Ninja = "忍者"
NoWaterPhysics = "无水物理"
Overcast = "阴天"
PlayerTeleported = "玩家远程传送"
ProgressBar = "进度条"
Rainy = "下雨"
RandomCheats = "随机作弊"
ResetDefault = "重置为默认值"
Sandstorm = "沙尘暴"
SaveGame = "保存游戏 (可能会导致游戏错误)"
Screenshot = "截图"
ScreenshotTip = "截图成功"
ScreenshotTaken = "Screenshot taken"
SelectCheats = "选择作弊"
SelectDay = "选择日期"
SetTime = "设置时间"
ShowLoader = "显示任务加载器"
SolidWater = "固体水"
SolidWaterText = """
Stats = "统计"
Sunny = "阳光明媚"
SyncSystemTime = "同步系统时间"
Themes = "主题"
Thunderstorm = "雷暴"
TotalMinutesDay = "每天的总分钟数"
VerySunny = "非常晴朗"
Weather = "天气"
WeatherID = "天气 ID"
WeatherIDText = "按 ID 设置天气 0-255。除非你知道自己在做什么否则不要触摸"
TranslationLanguage = "简体中文"
TranslationLanguageDisclaimer = "由bilibili异楠军翻译"
Translator = "翻译者"
TranslatorName = "bilibili异楠军"
About = "关于"
Author = "作者"
AutoCheckUpdate = "检查更新"
BugDisclaimer = "如果您发现错误或有建议,请通知我告诉我有哪些问题。"
Build = "生成"
CheatMenuNoDir = "未能找到 CheatMenu 目录!"
CheckUpdate = "检查更新"
Commands = "命令"
Config = "配置"
Coords = "坐标: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f"
CopyrightDisclaimer = "版权所有Grinch_2019-2022。所有权归属Grinch_."
CPUUsage = "CPU 使用率: %.2f%%"
Credits = "学分"
CurrentVersion = "当前版本"
DiscordRPC = "Discord rich presence"
DiscordServer = "不适用服务器"
DownloadPage = "下载页面"
EnsureLatest = "请确保您拥有来自 GitHub 的最新版本."
DiscordRPCInitFailed = "Failed to init discord rpc"
DiscordRPCNoDll = "Failed to find discord-rpc.dll"
FixVehKey = "Fix current vehicle"
FlipVehKey = "Flip current vehicle"
Frames = "Frames: %d"
FreecamKey = "Toggle freecam"
FreecamBackwardKey = "Freecam backward"
FreecamForwardKey = "Freecam forward"
FreecamLeftKey = "Freecam left"
FreecamRightKey = "Freecam right"
GitHubRepo = "GitHub repo"
GodModeKey = "切换上帝模式"
Hotkeys = "热键"
InvalidComamnd = "无效命令"
InvalidLocation = "无效位置"
InvalidValue = "无效值"
Language = "语言"
LanguageChangeFailed = "无法更改语言!"
LatestVersion = "最新版本: "
Location = "Location: %s"
Name = "名称"
NewVersion = "菜单的新版本可用."
NoBG = "无背景"
OpenCMDKey = "打开/关闭命令窗口"
OpenCMDUsing = "使用 %s 打开或关闭命令窗口"
OpenMenuKey = "打开/关闭作弊菜单"
Overlay = "叠加"
Position = "位置"
Remove = "删除"
Favourites = "添加到收藏夹"
FavouritesNone = "你没有任何收藏夹!"
FavouritesRemove = "从收藏夹中删除"
FavouritesRemoveText = "从收藏夹中删除"
FavouritesText = "添加到收藏夹"
Close = "关闭"
QuickSSKey = "快速屏幕截图"
QuickTPKey = "快速传送"
QuickVehSpawnerCMD = "生成车辆"
QuickVehSpawnerCMDText = """
Example: veh (veh_name)"""
QuickWepSpawnerCMD = "生成武器"
QuickWepSpawnerCMDText = """
Example: wep (wep_name)"""
RAMUsage = "RAM usage: %.2f%%"
ResetConfig = "重置配置"
ResetConfigMSG = "配置已重置。重新启动游戏以使其生效。"
ResetSize = "重置大小"
SetArmourCMD = "设置护甲值"
SetArmourCMDText = """
示例: 护甲 (护甲值)."""
SetHealthCMD = "Set health"
SetHealthCMDText = """
示例: 生命 (生命值)."""
SetTimeCMD = "Set time"
SetTimeCMDText = """
示例: 时间 (小时) (分钟).
SetTimeCMDText2 = "Writing something like 'time 12' would be interpreted as 'time 12 12'"
ShowCoords = "Show coordinates"
ShowCPU = "Show CPU usage"
ShowFPS = "Show FPS"
ShowLocation = "Show location"
ShowModelInfo = "Show model info"
ShowPedTasks = "Show ped tasks"
ShowRAM = "Show RAM usage"
ShowVehHealth = "Show veh health"
ShowVehSpeed = "Show veh speed"
SkinChangerKey = "开启目标皮肤变化"
TeleportCMD = "Teleport"
TeleportCMDText = """
Example: tp x y z"""
TextColor = "Text color"
TextOnlyMode = "Text only"
TextOnlyModeHint = "Replace images with their appropriate texts"
TPMarkerKey = "Teleport to marker"
Usage = "Usage"
UpdaterInfo1 = "It's highly recommanded to update to the latest version. Newer version contains new features and bug fixes."
UpdaterInfo2 = "To know what changes are made or to download, click on the 'Download page' button. Follow the instructions there. If you're still having issues, let me know on discord."
UsageText = """
VehEngineKey = "切换车辆引擎"
VehHealth = "车辆健康"
VehicleSpawned = "生成车辆"
VehSpeed = "车速: %d"
VehStartKey = "车辆即时启动"
VehStopKey = "车辆即时启动"
Version = "版本"
WeaponSpawned = "武器生成"
WelcomeMSG = "欢迎使用作弊菜单"
Accuracy = "精度"
BigHead = "大头效应"
ConfigTab = "配置"
DownloadExGangWars = "Download ExGangWars"
ElvisEverywhere = "猫王无处不在"
EndWar = "结束帮派战争"
EveryoneArmed = "每个人都有武装"
EveryoneAtk = "每个人都攻击玩家"
ExGangWarsTip = "You'll need ExGangWars plugin to display some turf colors"
GangsControl = "帮派控制街道"
GangsEverywhere = "到处都是帮派"
Gangs = "帮派"
GangWars = "帮派战争"
Health = "健康"
MaxLimit = "已达到最大限制"
NastyLimbs = "肮脏的四肢不"
NoMove = "不要动"
NoProstitutes = "没有妓女"
PedBleed = "Ped bleed"
PedDensityMul = "Ped density multiplier"
PedsAtkRocket = "Peds attack with rockets"
PedsMayhem = "Peds mayhem"
PedsRiot = "Peds riot"
PedType = "Ped type"
Radius = "Radius"
RecruitAnyone = "招募任何人"
RemoveFrozen = "Remove frozen peds"
RemovePeds = "Remove peds"
RemovePedsRadius = "Remove peds in radius"
SelectedWeapon = "Selected weapon: %s"
SelectWeapon = "选择武器"
SlutMagnet = "Slut magnet"
SpawnerTab = "生成"
StartWar = "开始帮派战争"
ThinBody = "瘦子"
WeaponAll = "所有人都有武器"
ZoneDensity = "Gang zone density (0-127):"
AimSkinChanger = "皮肤变换器"
AimSkinChangerTip = """
要使用武器瞄准踏板,请按 """
AppearanceTab = "外观"
Armour = "装甲"
Body = "正文"
BountyYourself = "奖励自己"
BulletProof = "防弹"
CameraZoom = "相机变焦"
ChangeToCJ = "更改为 CJ 皮肤"
ClothesTab = "衣服"
ClothesTip = "如果CJ穿着全套西装请单击'Extras'或'全部删除'以将其删除。"
CollisionProof = "防碰撞"
CoordCopied = "坐标已复制"
CopyCoordinates = "复制坐标"
CustomSkinsDirTip = "将你的 dff 和 txd 文件放在 'modloader/CustomSkins' 中'"
CustomSkinsTab = "自定义皮肤"
CustomSkinsTip = "注意:您的 txd & dff 名称不能超过 8 个字符。请勿在游戏运行时更改名称。"
CustomSkinTutorial = """
1. 下载并安装模组加载器
4. 重启游戏。
1. 您的 .dff 和 .txd 文件名不得超过 8 个字符。
CycleJump = "更高的循环跳跃"
DownloadModloader = "下载模块加载器"
DrunkEffect = "醉酒效果"
Energy = "能量"
ExplosionProof = "防爆"
FastSprint = "快速冲刺"
FastSprintTip = "最好启用上帝模式和无限冲刺"
Fat = "肥胖"
FireProof = "防火"
FreeHealthcare = "免费医疗"
FreezeWL = "冻结通缉级别"
GodDisabled = "上帝模式已禁用"
GodEnabled = "上帝模式启用"
GodMode = "上帝模式"
Health = "无限血量"
InfO2 = "无限氧气"
InfSprint = "无限冲刺"
InvisPlayer = "隐形玩家"
LockControl = "锁定控制"
LungCapacity = "最大肺活量"
MaxAppeal = "最大吸引力"
MaxArmour = "最大护甲"
MaxHealth = "最大血量"
MeeleProof = "Meele proof"
MegaJump = "超级跳跃"
MegaPunch = "百万重拳"
Money = "钱"
Muscle = "肌肉"
NeedCJSkin = "你需要在CJ皮肤中"
NeverGetHungry = "永远不会饿"
NeverWanted = "永远不会被通辑"
NoFee = "无逮捕费"
PedSkinsTab = "Ped skins"
PlayerFlags = "Player flags,"
PlayerRegen = "玩家再生"
PlayerRegenTip = "如果 5 秒未受到伤害,玩家将进行治疗"
RemoveAll = "全部删除"
RemoveClothesTab = "脱下衣服"
RespawnDieLoc = "重新定位"
RespawnDieLocTip = "复活到你死亡的地方"
Respect = "尊重"
SkinChangeFrozen = "玩家必须被冻结才能改变皮肤"
Skinny = "瘦"
SkinsTab = "皮肤"
SpecialNotImplement = "尚未实现生成特殊 ped"
SprintEverywhere = "到处冲刺"
SprintEverywhereTip = """
Stamina = "耐力"
Suicide = "自杀"
TopDownCamera = "自由视角"
TotalSkins = "总皮肤数: "
WantedLevel = "通缉等级"
WorkSkinOnly = "仅包含有效的皮肤"
BrowsingCheatMenu = "浏览作弊菜单"
Busted = "被毁了!"
DoingMission = "正在执行任务"
Driving = "驾驶"
In = "in"
InsideMenus = "内部菜单"
InsideInterior = "内部里面"
OnRampage = "与警察横冲直撞"
PlayingFor = "Playing for {}:{}:{}"
Walking = "行走"
Wasted = "Wasted!"
AddLocation = "添加位置"
Coordinates = "坐标"
CustomLocationRemoveOnly = "您只能删除自定义位置"
CustomMapSize = "自定义地图大小"
CustomMapSizeHint = "SAxVCxLC"
Height = ""
InsertCoord = ""
InvalidCoord = ""
InvalidLocation = ""
Location = ""
LocationHint = "Groove Street"
LocationRemoved = ""
QuickTeleport = ""
QuickTeleportHint = "使 "
TeleportMarkerHint = """
使 """
TargetBlipText = ""
TeleportCenter = ""
TeleportMarker = ""
TeleportToCoord = ""
Width = ""
Failed = "Failed to check for updates"
Found = "Update found"
NotFound = "No update found"
Abs = "Abs"
ADM = "Anti dive multiplier"
AggroDriver = "Aggressive driver"
AimDrive = ""
All = ""
AllNitro = ""
AllTaxiNitro = ""
AnimGroup = "Anim group"
AutoDrive = "Auto drive"
AutoDriveNoVeh = ""
AutoDriveCoord = ""
AutoDriveMarker = "Drive to marker"
AutoDriveStop = ""
AutoDriveInfo = """"""
AutoUnflip = ""
Big = ""
BikeFly = ""
Black = ""
BlowCar = ""
BoatFly = ""
BrakeBias = ""
BrakeDecel = ""
BulletProof = ""
CarFly = ""
CarHeavy = ""
CDM = ""
CemterMassX = " X"
CemterMassY = " Y"
CemterMassZ = " Z"
Cheap = "便"
Color = ""
ColorPicker = ""
ColProof = ""
Component = ""
Country = ""
Damage = ""
DampingLvl = ""
DensityMul = ""
DirtLvl = ""
Diseal = "Diseal"
DmgProof = ""
DmgProofTip = """
Doors = ""
DragMult = ""
Driver = ""
DriverTarget = ""
DriveType = ""
DriveWater = ""
Electric = ""
EngineAccel = ""
EngineInertia = ""
EngineOn = ""
EngineType = ""
EnterNearVeh = ""
ExplosionProof = ""
Fast = ""
FireProof = ""
Fix = ""
FixCar = ""
FlipCar = ""
FlipNoBurn = ""
FlipNoBurnTip = ""
FloatOnHit = ""
ForceLevel = ""
ForCurVeh = ","
FourWheelDrive = ""
FrontLights = ""
FrontWheelDrive = ""
GreenLights = "绿"
HandlingFlags = ""
HandlingTab = ""
HighSpeedDamping = ""
HSTarget = "HS targetable"
HSTargetTip = "Heat Seaker"
IDSpawnText = "使IDEnter"
InfNitro = ""
InfNitroTip = """
InstantStop = ""
InvalidID = " ID"
InvisCar = ""
LessDmg = ""
LessTraffic = ""
LightsOn = ""
LockDoor = ""
LockSpeed = ""
Long = ""
LowerLimit = ""
Mass = ""
MatFilter = "Material filter"
MaxVelocity = ""
MeleeProof = ""
ModelFlags = ""
MonValue = ""
LockTrainCam = "Lock train cam"
NeonsTab = ""
NoColl = ""
NoNearVeh = ""
NoParticles = ""
NoDerail = ""
NumGears = ""
Off = ""
On = ""
OnlyWheels = ""
Open = ""
Paintjob = ""
Passenger = ""
PentrolTank = "Petrol tank KO"
PercentSubmerged = ""
PerfectHandling = ""
Petrol = ""
PetrolTankTip = ""
Pink = ""
PlateText = ""
Pop = ""
Primary = ""
PulsingNeon = ""
Quaternary = ""
Radius = ""
RainbowNeon = ""
RainbowNeonMSG = ""
ReadMore = ""
RearLights = ""
RearWheelDrive = ""
RemoveNeon = ""
RemoveNeonMSG = ""
RemoveVeh = ""
RemoveVehRadius = ""
ResetColor = ""
ResetColorMSG = ""
ResetHandling = ""
ResetHandlingMSG = ""
ResetTexture = ""
ResetTextureMSG = ""
SaveFile = ""
SaveFileMSG = ""
SeatOffset = ""
Secondary = ""
SelectPreset = ":"
Set = ""
SetSpeed = ""
Siren = ""
SkidMarks = ""
Small = ""
SpawnInAir = ""
SpawnInside = ""
StayOnBike = "/"
SteeringLock = ""
SuspensionBias = ""
SwitchSeats = ""
Tall = ""
TankMode = ""
Tertiary = ""
TextureTab = ""
TotalSeats = ": %d"
TractionBias = ""
TractionLoss = ""
TractionMul = ""
TrafficColor = ""
TrafficNeon = ""
TrafficNeonMSG = """
TrafficType = ""
TuneTab = "Tune"
TurnMass = ""
Type = ""
UpperLimit = ""
Watertight = ""
WatertightTip = """
Ambient = ""
AmbientBl = "Ambient bl"
AmbientObj = "Ambient object"
AmbientObjBl = "Ambient object bl"
ArmourbarColor = "Armour bar color"
ArmourbarPosX = "Armour bar posX"
ArmourbarPosY = "Armour bar posY"
ArmourBorder = "Armour border"
ArmourPercentage = "Armour percentage"
Blur = ""
BoldBorder = ""
BreathbarColor = ""
BreathbarPosX = "Breath bar posX"
BreathbarPosY = "Breath bar posY"
BreathBorder = "Breath border"
BreathPercentage = ""
CCTVEffect = ""
ClockColor = ""
ClockPosX = "Clock posX"
ClockPosY = "Clock posY"
CloudAlpha = "Cloud alpha"
CloudsBottom = "Clouds bottom"
CloudsLow = "Clouds low"
CloudsTop = "Clouds top"
ColorsTab = ""
CurrentWeather = ""
DarknessFilter = ""
DefaultBorder = ""
DefaultOutline = ""
DefaultStyle = ""
DirectionalLight = ""
DirectionalMult = ""
DisableHydrant = ""
Distance = ""
DrawMenuTitle = ""
UnderwaterEffect = ""
FarClip = ""
FileGenerated = ""
FluffyClouds = ""
FogEffect = ""
FogStart = ""
FreezeGameTime = ""
FullscreenMap = ""
FullscreenMapTip = ""
GenerateFile = ""
GrainEffect = ""
GrayRadar = ""
GreenScanlines = "绿线"
HealthbarColor = ""
HealthbarPosX = "Health bar posX"
HealthbarPosY = "Health bar posY"
HealthBorder = ""
HealthPercentage = ""
HeatHazeEffect = ""
HideAreaNames = ""
HideHud = "HUD"
HideRadar = ""
HideVehNames = ""
HideWantedLevel = ""
Hour = ""
IncompatibleMods = "MOD"
IncompatibleModsText = """
1. vHud
2. GTA 5 Hud
3. MobileHud
InfraredVision = ""
InvisibleWater = ""
LightBrightness = ""
LightIntensity = ""
LightShadowStrength = ""
LockWeather = ""
Minute = ""
MoneyColor = ""
MoneyFontOutline = "Money font outline"
MoneyFontStyle = "Money font style"
MoneyPosX = "Money posX"
MoneyPosY = "Money posY"
NextWeather = ""
NightVision = ""
NoBorder = ""
NoMoneyZeros = "No money zeros"
NoOutline = ""
NoParticles = ""
NoPostFX = "No postfx"
NoRadarRot = "No radar rotation"
NoWater = ""
PoleShadowStrength = ""
PostFX1 = "PostFX 1"
PostFX2 = "PostFX 2"
RadarHeight = ""
RadarPosX = "Radar posX"
RadarPosY = "Radar posY"
RadarWidth = ""
RadarZoom = ""
RadioStationColor = "Radio station color"
ResetTimecyc = "Reset timecyc"
ShadowStrength = ""
ShowHud = "HUD"
ShowRadar = ""
SkyBottom = ""
SkyTop = ""
SpriteBrightness = ""
SpriteSize = ""
SquareRadar = "线"
Style1 = " 1"
Style2 = " 2"
SunCore = "Sun core"
SunCorona = "Sun corona"
SunSize = ""
SyncTimeEnabled = """
ThinOutline = ""
Timecyc24hTab = "Timecyc 24h"
TimecycReset = "Timecyc reset"
TimecycTab = "Timecyc"
TreeShadowStrength = ""
UnfogMap = "Unfog map"
UnfogMapText = ""
WantedAmmoPosX = "Wanted ammo posX"
WantedAmmoPosY = "Wanted ammo posY"
WantedPosX = "Wanted posX"
WantedPosY = "Wanted posY"
WantedStarBorder = "Wanted star border"
Water = ""
WaterFogAlpha = "Water fog alpha"
WeaponAmmoPosX = "Weapon ammo posX"
WeaponAmmoPosY = "Weapon ammo posY"
WeaponIconPosX = "Weapon icon posX"
WeaponIconPosY = "Weapon icon posY"
WhiteScanlines = "White scanlines"
Ammo = ""
CurrentWeapon = ": %s"
DropAll = ""
DropCurrent = ""
DropWeapon = ""
DualWeild = ""
DualWeildText = """
FastAim = ""
FastAimText = """
Q = E =
FastReload = ""
GangWeaponEditor = ""
HugeDamage = ""
HugeDamageText = "'远程'"
InfiniteAmmo = ""
LongRange = ""
MoveWhenAiming = ""
MoveWhenFiring = ""
NoSpread = ""
RapidFire = ""
SelectGang = ""
Weapon1 = " 1"
Weapon2 = " 2"
Weapon3 = " 3"
WeaponTweaksText = """
AddNew = "Add new"
AnimationPage = ""
CheckboxTab = ""
CopiedToClipboard = ""
Default = "Def"
Enabled = ""
GamePage = ""
Info = ""
Maximum = ""
MenuPage = ""
MenusTab = ""
Minimum = ""
PedPage = "Ped"
PlayerPage = ""
Search = ""
LocationsTab = ""
FavouritesTab = ""
SetValue = ""
SpawnTab = ""
TeleportPage = ""
VehiclePage = ""
VisualPage = ""
WeaponPage = ""