446 lines
18 KiB
446 lines
18 KiB
"Animation": {
"AddAnimation": "Add animation",
"AddParticle": "Add particle",
"AnimationRemoved": "Animation removed",
"AnimationTab": "Animation##TABBAR",
"AnimName": "Anim name",
"CustomAnimsOnly": "You can only remove custom animations",
"CustomParticlesOnly": "You can only remove custom particles",
"CutsceneRunning": "Another cutscene is running",
"CutsceneTab": "Cutscene##TABBAR",
"FightingStyle": "Fighting style",
"FightingStyleSet": "Fighting style set",
"IFPName": "IFP name",
"InvisiblePlayer": "Invisible player",
"LoopCheckbox": "Loop",
"LoopCheckboxText": "Keep playing the animation on repeat",
"NoTarget": "No player target found. Aim a ped with a weapon to select it for animation player.",
"ParticleName": "Particle name",
"ParticleRemoved": "Particle removed",
"ParticleTab": "Particle##TABBAR",
"PedAnim": "Ped anim",
"PedAnimText": "Play animation on other peds.\nSelect with weapon target.",
"RemoveAll": "Remove all",
"RemoveLatest": "Remove latest",
"SecondaryCheckbox": "Secondary",
"SecondaryCheckboxText": "Player can move while playing the animation",
"StopAnimation": "Stop Animation",
"StopCutscene": "Stop cutscene",
"Styles": "Styles",
"WalkingStyle": "Walking style",
"WalkingStyleSet": "Walking style set"
"Game": {
"ActivateTimer": "Activate cheat timer",
"ActivateTimerText": "Time for the next cheat activation",
"Beach": "Beach",
"Cloudy": "Cloudy",
"Country": "Country",
"CurrentDay": "Current day",
"DaysPassed": "Days passed",
"DisableCheats": "Disable cheats",
"DisableReplay": "Disable F1 & F3 replay",
"Enable": "Enable",
"EnableText": "Forward: I\tBackward: K\n\nLeft: J\t\t Right: L\n\nSlower: RCtrl\tFaster: RShift\n\nZoom: Mouse wheel",
"ExtraColors": "Extra colors",
"ExtraSunny": "Extra sunny",
"FailMission": "Fail current mission",
"FasterClock": "Faster clock",
"FieldOfView": "Field of view",
"Foggy": "Foggy",
"ForbiddenWantedLevel": "Forbidden area wl",
"ForbiddenWantedLevelText": "Wanted levels that appears outside of LS without completing missions",
"FPSLimit": "FPS limit",
"Freecam": "Freecam",
"FreecamTip": "Press Enter to teleport player to camera location",
"FreePNS": "Free pay n spray",
"FreezeGame": "Freeze game",
"FreezeGameTime": "Freeze game time",
"FunHouse": "Fun house",
"GameSpeed": "Game speed",
"Gravity": "Gravity",
"HardMode": "Hard mode",
"HardModeText": "Makes the game more challanging to play.\nLowers armour, health, stamina etc.",
"Hour": "Hour",
"Hurricane": "Hurricane",
"KeepStuff": "Keep stuff",
"KeepStuffText": "Keep stuff after arrest/death",
"Minute": "Minute",
"MissionLoaderTip": "Mission loader may cause,\n\n1. Game crashes\n\n2. Break save games\n\n3. Break game progression\n\n4. Random bugs & glitches\n\n\nIt's recommanded not to save after using the mission loader. Use it at your own risk!",
"Missions": "Missions",
"MissionStartFailed": "Can't start mission now",
"MovementSpeed": "Movement speed",
"Ninja": "Ninja",
"Overcast": "Overcast",
"PlayerTeleported": "Player teleported",
"ProgressBar": "Progress bar",
"Rainy": "Rainy",
"RandomCheats": "Random cheats",
"Sandstorm": "Sandstorm",
"SaveGame": "Save game (might cause game bugs)",
"Screenshot": "Screenshot shortcut",
"ScreenshotTaken": "Screenshot taken",
"SelectCheats": "Select cheats",
"SelectDay": "Select day",
"SetTime": "Set time",
"ShowLoader": "Show mission loader",
"SolidWater": "Solid water",
"SolidWaterText": "Player can walk on water\nTurn this off if you want to swim.",
"Stats": "Stats",
"Sunny": "Sunny",
"SyncSystemTime": "Sync system time",
"Themes": "Themes",
"Thunderstorm": "Thunderstorm",
"VerySunny": "Very sunny",
"Weather": "Weather",
"WeatherID": "Weather ID",
"WeatherIDText": "Sets weather by IDs (0-255). Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!"
"Main": {
"TranslationLanguage": "English",
"TranslationLanguageDisclaimer": "Translated to English by Grinch_",
"TranslatorName": "Grinch_"
"Menu": {
"About": "About",
"Author": "Author",
"BugDisclaimer": "If you find bugs or have suggestions, let me know on discord.",
"Build": "Build",
"CheckUpdate": "Check update",
"Commands": "Commands",
"Config": "Config",
"CopyrightDisclaimer": "Copyright Grinch_ 2019-2022. All rights reserved.",
"Credits": "Credits",
"DiscordServer": "Discord server",
"FixVehKey": "Fix current vehicle",
"FlipVehKey": "Flip current vehicle",
"FreecamKey": "Toggle freecam",
"GitHubRepo": "GitHub repo",
"GodModeKey": "Toggle god mode",
"Hotkeys": "Hotkeys",
"Language": "Language",
"LanguageChangeFailed": "Failed to change language!",
"Name": "Name",
"NoBG": "No background",
"OpenCMDKey": "Open/ close command window",
"OpenCMDUsing": "Open or close command window using %s",
"OpenMenuKey": "Open/ close cheat menu",
"Overlay": "Overlay",
"Position": "Position",
"QuickSSKey": "Quick screenshot",
"QuickTPKey": "Toogle quick teleport",
"QuickVehSpawnerCMD": "Quick vehicle spawner",
"QuickVehSpawnerCMDText": "Spawn vehicles by typing their model names.\nExample: veh (veh_name)",
"QuickWepSpawnerCMD": "Quick weapon spawner",
"QuickWepSpawnerCMDText": "Spawn weapons by typing their model names.\nExample: wep (wep_name)",
"ResetConfig": "Reset config",
"ResetConfigMSG": "Config has been reset. Restart the game for it to take effect.",
"ResetSize": "Reset size",
"SetHealthCMD": "Set health",
"SetHealthCMDText": "Set player health.\nExample: hp (health).",
"SetTimeCMD": "Set time",
"SetTimeCMDText": "Set current game time.\nExample: time (hour) (minute).\n",
"SetTimeCMDText2": "Writing something like 'time 12' would be interpreted as 'time 12 12'",
"ShowCoords": "Show coordinates",
"ShowCPU": "Show CPU usage",
"ShowFPS": "Show FPS",
"ShowLocation": "Show location",
"ShowRAM": "Show RAM usage",
"ShowVehHealth": "Show veh health",
"ShowVehSpeed": "Show veh speed",
"SkinChangerKey": "Activate aim skin changer",
"TeleportCMD": "Teleport",
"TeleportCMDText": "Teleports player to specified coordinates.\nExample: tp x y z",
"TextColor": "Text color",
"Usage": "Usage",
"UsageText": "Left-click selects hotkey.\nLeft clicking outside deselects.\nRight click disables hotkey.",
"VehEngineKey": "Toggle vehicle engine",
"VehStartKey": "Vehicle instant start",
"VehStopKey": "Vehicle instant start",
"Version": "Version"
"Ped": {
"Accuracy": "Accuracy",
"BigHead": "Big head effect",
"ConfigTab": "Config",
"DownloadExGangWars": "Download ExGangWars",
"ElvisEverywhere": "Elvis everywhere",
"EndWar": "End gang war",
"EveryoneArmed": "Everyone is armed",
"EveryoneAtk": "Everyone attacks players",
"ExGangWarsTip": "You'll need ExGangWars plugin to display some turf colors",
"GangsControl": "Gangs control streets",
"GangsEverywhere": "Gangs everywhere",
"GangWars": "Gang wars",
"Health": "Health",
"MaxLimit": "Max limit reached",
"NastyLimbs": "Nasty limbs",
"NoMove": "Don't move",
"NoProstitutes": "No prostitutes",
"PedBleed": "Ped bleed",
"PedDensityMul": "Ped density multiplier",
"PedsAtkRocket": "Peds attack with rockets",
"PedsMayhem": "Peds mayhem",
"PedsRiot": "Peds riot",
"PedType": "Ped type",
"Radius": "Radius",
"RecruitAnyone": "Recruit anyone",
"RemoveFrozen": "Remove frozen peds",
"RemovePeds": "Remove peds",
"RemovePedsRadius": "Remove peds in radius",
"SelectedWeapon": "Selected weapon: %s",
"SelectWeapon": "Select weapon",
"SlutMagnet": "Slut magnet",
"SpawnerTab": "Spawner",
"StartWar": "Start gang war",
"ThinBody": "Thin body effect",
"WeaponAll": "Weapons for all",
"ZoneDensity": "Gang zone density:"
"Player": {
"AimSkinChanger": "Aim skin changer",
"AimSkinChangerTip": "Changes to the ped, player is targeting with a weapon.\nTo use aim a ped with a weapon and press ",
"AppearanceTab": "Appearance",
"Armour": "Armour",
"Body": "Body",
"BountyYourself": "Bounty on yourself",
"BulletProof": "Bullet proof",
"CameraZoom": "Camera zoom",
"ChangeToCJ": "Change to CJ skin",
"ClothesTab": "Clothes",
"ClothesTip": "If CJ is wearing a full suit, click 'Extras' or 'Remove all' to remove it.",
"CollisionProof": "Collision proof",
"CoordCopied": "Coordinates copied",
"CopyCoordinates": "Copy coordinates",
"CustomSkinsDirTip": "Place your dff & txd files inside 'modloader/CustomSkins'",
"CustomSkinsTab": "Custom skins",
"CustomSkinsTip": "Note: Your txd & dff names can't exceed 8 characters. Don't change names while the game is running.",
"CustomSkinTutorial": "Custom skin allows to change player skins without replacing any existing game ped skins.\n\nSteps to enable 'Custom Skins',\n\n\n1. Download & install modloader\n\n2. Create a folder inside 'modloader' folder with the name 'CustomSkins'\n\n3. Download ped skins online ( .dff & .txd files) and put them inside.\n\n4. Restart your game.\n\n\n\nLimitations:\n\n1. Your .dff & .txd file names must not exceed 8 characters.\n\n2. Do not rename them while the game is running\n\n\nDoing so will crash your game.",
"CycleJump": "Higher cycle jumps",
"DownloadModloader": "Download modloader",
"DrunkEffect": "Drunk effect",
"Energy": "Energy",
"ExplosionProof": "Explosion proof",
"FastSprint": "Fast sprint",
"FastSprintTip": "Best to enable God Mode & Infinite sprint too",
"Fat": "Fat",
"FireProof": "Fire proof",
"FreeHealthcare": "Free healthcare",
"GodDisabled": "God mode disabled",
"GodEnabled": "God mode enabled",
"GodMode": "God mode",
"Health": "Health",
"HealthRegen": "Health regeneration",
"HealthRegenTip": "Player heals if not taken damage for 5 seconds",
"InfO2": "Infinite oxygen",
"InfSprint": "Infinite sprint",
"InvisPlayer": "Invisible player",
"LockControl": "Lock control",
"LungCapacity": "Lung capacity",
"MaxAppeal": "Max sex appeal",
"MaxHealth": "Max health",
"MeeleProof": "Meele proof",
"MegaJump": "Mega jump",
"MegaPunch": "Mega punch",
"Money": "Money",
"Muscle": "Muscle",
"NeedCJSkin": "You need to be in CJ skin",
"NeverGetHungry": "Never get hungry",
"NeverWanted": "Never wanted",
"NoFee": "No arrest fee",
"PedSkinsTab": "Ped skins",
"PlayerFlags": "Player flags,",
"RemoveAll": "Remove all",
"RemoveClothesTab": "Remove clothes",
"RespawnDieLoc": "Respawn die location",
"RespawnDieLocTip": "Respawn to the location you died from",
"Respect": "Respect",
"SkinChangeFrozen": "Player must be frozen to change skins",
"Skinny": "Skinny",
"SkinsTab": "Skins",
"SpecialNotImplement": "Spawning special peds isn't implemented yet",
"SprintEverywhere": "Sprint everywhere",
"SprintEverywhereTip": "Enables sprinting on every\nground surface (interior etc.)",
"Stamina": "Stamina",
"Suicide": "Suicide",
"TopDownCamera": "Top down camera",
"TotalSkins": "Total skins: ",
"WantedLevel": "Wanted level",
"WorkSkinOnly": "Only contains the skins that works"
"Teleport": {
"AddLocation": "Add location",
"Coordinates": "Coordinates",
"CustomLocationRemoveOnly": "You can only remove custom location",
"InsertCoord": "Insert coordinates",
"InvalidCoord": "Invalid coordinates",
"InvalidLocation": "Invalid location",
"Location": "Location",
"LocationHint": "Groove Street",
"LocationRemoved": "Location removed",
"QuickTeleport": "Quick teleport",
"QuickTeleportHint": "Teleport to the location of your radar\ntarget blip using ",
"TargetBlipText": "Target blip not found. You need to place it on the map first",
"TeleportCenter": "Teleport to center",
"TeleportMarker": "Teleport to marker",
"TeleportToCoord": "Teleport to coordinates"
"Visual": {
"Ambient": "Ambient",
"AmbientBl": "Ambient bl",
"AmbientObj": "Ambient object",
"AmbientObjBl": "Ambient object bl",
"ArmourbarColor": "Armour bar color",
"ArmourbarPosX": "Armour bar X",
"ArmourbarPosY": "Armour bar Y",
"ArmourBorder": "Armour border",
"ArmourPercentage": "Armour percentage",
"Blur": "Blur",
"BoldBorder": "Bold border",
"BreathbarColor": "Breath bar color",
"BreathbarPosX": "Breath bar X",
"BreathbarPosY": "Breath bar Y",
"BreathBorder": "Breath border",
"BreathPercentage": "Breath percentage",
"ClockColor": "Clock color",
"ClockPosX": "Clock X",
"ClockPosY": "Clock Y",
"CloudAlpha": "Cloud alpha",
"CloudsBottom": "Clouds bottom",
"CloudsLow": "Clouds low",
"CloudsTop": "Clouds top",
"ColorsTab": "Colors",
"CurrentWeather": "Current weather",
"DefaultBorder": "Default border",
"DefaultOutline": "Default outline",
"DefaultStyle": "Default Style",
"DirectionalLight": "Directional light",
"DirectionalMult": "Directional mult",
"DisableHydrant": "Disable hydrant splash",
"DrawMenuTitle": "Draw menu title border color",
"FarClip": "Far clip",
"FileGenerated": "File generated",
"FluffyClouds": "Fluffy clouds",
"FogStart": "Fog start",
"FreezeGameTime": "Freeze game time",
"GenerateFile": "Generate timecyc file",
"GrayRadar": "Gray radar",
"GreenScanlines": "Green scanlines",
"HealthbarColor": "Health bar color",
"HealthbarPosX": "Health bar X",
"HealthbarPosY": "Health bar Y",
"HealthBorder": "Health border",
"HealthPercentage": "Health percentage",
"HideAreaNames": "Hide area names",
"HideHud": "Hide HUD",
"HideRadar": "Hide radar",
"HideVehNames": "Hide vehicle names",
"HideWantedLevel": "Hide wanted level",
"Hour": "Hour",
"IncompatibleMods": "Incompatible mods",
"IncompatibleModsText": "1. vHud\n2. GTA 5 Hud\n3. MobileHud\n\nAnd others that change HUD drastically",
"InvisibleWater": "Invisible water",
"LightBrightness": "Light on ground brightness",
"LightIntensity": "High light min intensity",
"LightShadowStrength": "Light shadow strength",
"LockWeather": "Lock weather",
"Minute": "Minute",
"MoneyColor": "Money color",
"MoneyFontOutline": "Money font outline",
"MoneyFontStyle": "Money font style",
"MoneyPosX": "Money X",
"MoneyPosY": "Money Y",
"NextWeather": "Next weather",
"NoBorder": "No border",
"NoOutline": "No outline",
"NoWater": "No water",
"PoleShadowStrength": "Pole shadow strength",
"PostFX1": "PostFX 1",
"PostFX2": "PostFX 2",
"RadarHeight": "Radar height",
"RadarPosX": "Radar posX",
"RadarPosY": "Radar posY",
"RadarWidth": "Radar width",
"RadarZoom": "Radar zoom",
"RadioStationColor": "Radio station color",
"ResetTimecyc": "Reset timecyc",
"ShadowStrength": "Shadow strength",
"ShowHud": "Show HUD",
"ShowRadar": "Show radar",
"SkyBottom": "Sky bottom",
"SkyTop": "Sky top",
"SpriteBrightness": "Sprite brightness",
"SpriteSize": "Sprite size",
"Style1": "Style 1",
"Style2": "Style 2",
"SunCore": "Sun core",
"SunCorona": "Sun corona",
"SunSize": "Sun size",
"SyncTimeEnabled": "Sync system time is enabled.\n(Game/Sync system time)",
"ThinOutline": "Thin outline",
"Timecyc24hTab": "Timecyc 24h",
"TimecycReset": "Timecyc reset",
"TimecycTab": "Timecyc",
"TreeShadowStrength": "Tree shadow strength",
"UnfogMap": "Unfog map",
"UnfogMapText": "Removes fog from Main Menu Map",
"WantedAmmoPosX": "Wanted ammo posX",
"WantedAmmoPosY": "Wanted ammo posY",
"WantedPosX": "Wanted posX",
"WantedPosY": "Wanted posY",
"WantedStarBorder": "Wanted star border",
"Water": "Water",
"WaterFogAlpha": "Water fog alpha",
"WeaponIconPosX": "Weapon icon posX",
"WeaponIconPosY": "Weapon icon posY",
"WhiteScanlines": "White scanlines"
"Weapon": {
"Ammo": "Ammo",
"CurrentWeapon": "Current weapon: %s",
"DropAll": "Drop all",
"DropCurrent": "Drop current",
"DropWeapon": "Drop weapon",
"DualWeild": "Dual weild",
"DualWeildText": "Dual wield pistol, shawoff, uzi, tec9\n(Other weapons don't work)",
"FastAim": "Fast aim",
"FastAimText": "Enables aim assist on keyboard\n\nQ = left E = right\n\nPress Q and E to switch targets.\nMoving mouse removes the target!",
"FastReload": "Fast reload",
"GangWeaponEditor": "Gang weapon editor",
"HugeDamage": "Huge damage",
"HugeDamageText": "Also enable 'Long range' if weapon range is short",
"InfiniteAmmo": "Infinite ammo",
"LongRange": "Long range",
"MoveWhenAiming": "Move when aiming",
"MoveWhenFiring": "Move when firing",
"RapidFire": "Rapid fire",
"SelectGang": "Select gang",
"Weapon1": "Weap 1",
"Weapon2": "Weap 2",
"Weapon3": "Weap 3",
"WeaponTweaksText": "Weapon tweaks apply globally\nto every ped weapon type"
"Window": {
"AddNew": "Add new",
"AnimationPage": "Animation",
"CheckboxTab": "Checkboxes",
"Default": "Def",
"Enabled": "Enabled",
"GamePage": "Game",
"Info": "Info",
"Maximum": "Max",
"MenuPage": "Menu",
"MenusTab": "Menus",
"Minimum": "Min",
"PedPage": "Ped",
"PlayerPage": "Player",
"Search": "Search",
"SetValue": "Set value",
"SpawnTab": "Spawn",
"TeleportPage": "Teleport",
"VehiclePage": "Vehicle",
"VisualPage": "Visual",
"WeaponPage": "Weapon"
} |