#include "pch.h" #include "ped.h" #include "ui.h" #include "util.h" #include "weapon.h" #include #ifdef GTASA #include #endif void Ped::Init() { #ifdef GTASA if (GetModuleHandle("ExGangWars.asi")) { m_bExGangWarsInstalled = true; } /* Taken from gta chaos mod by Lordmau5 https://github.com/gta-chaos-mod/Trilogy-ASI-Script TODO: Implement in VC too */ Events::pedRenderEvent += [](CPed *ped) { if (m_bBigHead || m_bThinBody) { auto animHier = GetAnimHierarchyFromSkinClump (ped->m_pRwClump); auto matrices = RpHAnimHierarchyGetMatrixArray (animHier); RwV3d scale = {0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f}; if (m_bThinBody) { for (int i = 1; i <= 52; i++) { RwMatrixScale (&matrices[RpHAnimIDGetIndex (animHier, i)], &scale, rwCOMBINEPRECONCAT); } } scale = {3.0f, 3.0f, 3.0f}; if (m_bBigHead) { for (int i = BONE_NECK; i <= BONE_HEAD; i++) { RwMatrixScale (&matrices[RpHAnimIDGetIndex (animHier, i)], &scale, rwCOMBINEPRECONCAT); } } } }; #endif } #ifdef GTASA void Ped::SpawnPed(std::string& model) #else void Ped::SpawnPed(std::string& cat, std::string& name, std::string& model) #endif { if (m_SpawnPed::m_List.size() == SPAWN_PED_LIMIT) { SetHelpMessage("Max limit reached", false, false, false); return; } if (BY_GAME(m_PedData.m_pJson->m_Data.contains(model), true, true)) { CPlayerPed* player = FindPlayerPed(); CVector pos = player->GetPosition(); pos.y += 1; CPed* ped; int hplayer; static size_t currentSlot = 1; #ifdef GTASA if (m_SpecialPedJson.m_Data.contains(model)) { std::string name; if (m_SpecialPedJson.m_Data.contains(model)) name = m_SpecialPedJson.m_Data[model].get().c_str(); else name = model; CStreaming::RequestSpecialChar(currentSlot, name.c_str(), PRIORITY_REQUEST); CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels(true); Command(m_SpawnPed::m_nSelectedPedType + 4, 290 + currentSlot, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 1, &hplayer); CStreaming::SetSpecialCharIsDeletable(290 + currentSlot); // SA has 10 slots ++currentSlot; if (currentSlot > 9) { currentSlot = 1; } } #else if (cat == "Special") // Special model { #ifdef GTA3 SetHelpMessage("Spawning special peds isn't implemented yet.", false, false, false); return; #else Command(currentSlot, model.c_str()); Command(); Command(m_SpawnPed::m_nSelectedPedType + 4, 108+currentSlot, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 1, &hplayer); Command(currentSlot); ++currentSlot; if (currentSlot > 21) { currentSlot = 1; } #endif } #endif else { int iModel = std::stoi(model); CStreaming::RequestModel(iModel, eStreamingFlags::PRIORITY_REQUEST); CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels(false); Command(m_SpawnPed::m_nSelectedPedType + 4, iModel, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 1, &hplayer); CStreaming::SetModelIsDeletable(iModel); } ped = CPools::GetPed(hplayer); if (m_SpawnPed::m_bPedMove) { m_SpawnPed::m_List.push_back(ped); } else { Command(hplayer); } ped->m_nPedFlags.bPedIsBleeding = m_SpawnPed::m_bPedBleed; #ifdef GTA3 ped->m_nWepAccuracy = m_SpawnPed::m_nAccuracy; #else ped->m_nWeaponAccuracy = m_SpawnPed::m_nAccuracy; #endif ped->m_fHealth = m_SpawnPed::m_nPedHealth; #ifdef GTASA if (m_SpawnPed::m_nWeaponId != 0) { int model = 0; Command(m_SpawnPed::m_nWeaponId, &model); CStreaming::RequestModel(model, PRIORITY_REQUEST); CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels(false); Command(hplayer, m_SpawnPed::m_nWeaponId, 999); } #endif } } void Ped::ShowPage() { if (ImGui::BeginTabBar("Ped", ImGuiTabBarFlags_NoTooltip + ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyScroll)) { if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Checkboxes")) { ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::BeginChild("CheckboxesChild"); ImGui::Columns(2, 0, false); #ifdef GTASA Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Big head effect", &m_bBigHead); Ui::CheckboxAddress("Elvis everywhere", 0x969157); Ui::CheckboxAddress("Everyone is armed", 0x969140); Ui::CheckboxAddress("Gangs control streets", 0x96915B); Ui::CheckboxAddress("Gangs everywhere", 0x96915A); Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Gang wars", &CGangWars::bGangWarsActive); ImGui::NextColumn(); Ui::CheckboxAddress("Peds mayhem", 0x96913E); Ui::CheckboxAddress("Peds attack with rockets", 0x969158); Ui::CheckboxAddress("Peds riot", 0x969175); Ui::CheckboxAddress("Slut magnet", 0x96915D); Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Thin body effect", &m_bThinBody); #elif GTAVC Ui::CheckboxAddress("No prostitutes", 0xA10B99); Ui::CheckboxAddress("Slut magnet", 0xA10B5F); ImGui::NextColumn(); Ui::CheckboxAddress("Weapons for all", 0xA10AB3); #else // Bad idea lol static bool pedsMayhem; if (Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Peds mayhem", &pedsMayhem)) { Call<0x4911C0>(); } static bool everyoneAttacksPlayer; if (Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Everyone attacks players", &everyoneAttacksPlayer)) { Call<0x491270>(); } ImGui::NextColumn(); Ui::CheckboxAddress("Nasty limbs", 0x95CD44); Ui::CheckboxAddress("Weapons for all", 0x95CCF6); #endif ImGui::Columns(1); ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Menus")) { ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::BeginChild("MenusChild"); #ifdef GTASA if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Gang wars")) { if (ImGui::Button("Start gang war", ImVec2(Ui::GetSize(2)))) { if (Util::GetLargestGangInZone() == 1) { CGangWars::StartDefensiveGangWar(); } else { CGangWars::StartOffensiveGangWar(); } CGangWars::bGangWarsActive = true; } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("End gang war", ImVec2(Ui::GetSize(2)))) { CGangWars::EndGangWar(true); } ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(0, 20)); ImGui::TextWrapped("Gang zone density:"); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::PushItemWidth(ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() / 2); for (int i = 0; i != 10; ++i) { CVector pos = FindPlayerPed()->GetPosition(); CZone szone = CZone(); CZone* pZone = &szone; CZoneInfo* zoneInfo = CTheZones::GetZoneInfo(&pos, &pZone); int density = zoneInfo->m_nGangDensity[i]; if (ImGui::SliderInt(m_GangList[i].c_str(), &density, 0, 127)) { zoneInfo->m_nGangDensity[i] = static_cast(density); Command(); CGangWars::bGangWarsActive = true; } } ImGui::PopItemWidth(); ImGui::Spacing(); if (!m_bExGangWarsInstalled) { ImGui::TextWrapped("You'll need ExGangWars plugin to display some turf colors"); ImGui::Spacing(); if (ImGui::Button("Download ExGangWars", Ui::GetSize(1))) { ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "https://gtaforums.com/topic/682194-extended-gang-wars/", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } } ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Separator(); } #endif Ui::EditReference("Pedestrian density multiplier", CPopulation::PedDensityMultiplier, 0, 1, 10); #ifdef GTASA if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Recruit anyone")) { static std::vector selectWeapon { {"9mm", 0x96917C}, {"AK47", 0x96917D}, {"Rockets", 0x96917E} }; Ui::RadioButtonAddress("Select weapon", selectWeapon); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Separator(); } #endif if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Remove peds in radius")) { static int removeRadius = 5; ImGui::InputInt("Radius", &removeRadius); ImGui::Spacing(); if (ImGui::Button("Remove peds", Ui::GetSize(1))) { CPlayerPed* player = FindPlayerPed(); for (CPed* ped : CPools::ms_pPedPool) { if (DistanceBetweenPoints(ped->GetPosition(), player->GetPosition()) < removeRadius && ped->m_pVehicle == nullptr && ped != player) { Command(CPools::GetPedRef(ped)); } } } ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Separator(); } ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Spawn")) { ImGui::Spacing(); if (ImGui::Button("Remove frozen peds", Ui::GetSize(1))) { for (CPed* ped : m_SpawnPed::m_List) { CWorld::Remove(ped); ped->Remove(); } m_SpawnPed::m_List.clear(); } ImGui::Spacing(); if (ImGui::BeginTabBar("SpawnPedBar")) { ImGui::Spacing(); if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Spawner")) { ImGui::Spacing(); #ifdef GTASA Ui::DrawImages(m_PedData, SpawnPed, nullptr, [](std::string str) { return m_PedData.m_pJson->m_Data[str].get(); }); #else Ui::DrawJSON(m_PedData, SpawnPed, nullptr); #endif ImGui::EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Config")) { ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::BeginChild("PedCOnfig"); ImGui::Columns(2, 0, false); Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Don't move", &m_SpawnPed::m_bPedMove); ImGui::NextColumn(); Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Ped bleed", &m_SpawnPed::m_bPedBleed); ImGui::Columns(1); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SliderInt("Accuracy", &m_SpawnPed::m_nAccuracy, 0.0, 100.0); if (ImGui::InputInt("Health", &m_SpawnPed::m_nPedHealth)) { if (m_SpawnPed::m_nPedHealth > 1000) { m_SpawnPed::m_nPedHealth = 1000; } if (m_SpawnPed::m_nPedHealth < 0) { m_SpawnPed::m_nPedHealth = 0; } } Ui::ListBox("Ped type", m_SpawnPed::m_PedTypeList, m_SpawnPed::m_nSelectedPedType); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Text("Selected weapon: %s", m_SpawnPed::m_nWeaponName.c_str()); ImGui::Spacing(); #ifdef GTASA Ui::DrawImages(Weapon::m_WeaponData, [](std::string str) { m_SpawnPed::m_nWeaponId = std::stoi(str); }, nullptr, [](std::string str) { m_SpawnPed::m_nWeaponName = Weapon::m_WeaponData.m_pJson->m_Data[str].get(); return m_SpawnPed::m_nWeaponName; }, [](std::string str) { return str != "-1"; /*Jetpack*/ } ); #else Ui::DrawJSON(Weapon::m_WeaponData, [](std::string& root, std::string& key, std::string& id) { m_SpawnPed::m_nWeaponId = std::stoi(id); m_SpawnPed::m_nWeaponName = key; }, nullptr); #endif ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::EndTabItem(); } ImGui::EndTabBar(); } ImGui::EndTabItem(); } ImGui::EndTabBar(); } }