@echo off @REM Packs all game files into their proper archives (Yes I'm that lazy) @REM ------------------------------------------------------ @REM Set game paths below set "SA_DIR="F:\GTASanAndreas"" set "VC_DIR="E:\GTA Vice City"" set "III_DIR="E:\GTA3"" @REM ------------------------------------------------------ echo ------------------------------------------------------ echo "CheatMenu Packaging Utility" echo ------------------------------------------------------ cd tools echo Packing SA... call :copyFiles %SA_DIR% "CheatMenuSA" echo Packing VC... call :copyFiles %VC_DIR% "CheatMenuVC" echo Packing III... call :copyFiles %III_DIR% "CheatMenuIII" cd .. rd /S /Q "pack" /Q exit @REM ------------------------------------------------------ @REM Functions @REM ------------------------------------------------------ :copyFiles set "asiPath="%~1\%~2.asi"" set "folderpath="%~1\CheatMenu"" set "archivePath="..\%~2.7z"" @REM Remove existing files rd /S /Q "pack" /Q rd /S /Q %archivePath% /Q @REM Copy the files to a temp folder @REM straight xcopy doesn't seem to work on my system, broken registry? %systemroot%\System32\xcopy /s %asiPath% "pack\" /K /D /H /Y %systemroot%\System32\xcopy /s %folderpath% "pack\CheatMenu\" /K /D /H /Y @REM Remove the config and versioninfo files since we don't want to distribute them del "pack\CheatMenu\json\config.json" /Q del "pack\CheatMenu\json\versioninfo.json" /Q @REM Guessing we have 7zip installed already, well I have "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -t7z %archivePath% ".\pack\*" @REM ------------------------------------------------------