{ "Animation": { "AddAnimation": "Add animation", "AddParticle": "Add particle", "AnimationRemoved": "Animation removed", "AnimationTab": "Animation##TABBAR", "AnimName": "Anim name", "CustomAnimsOnly": "You can only remove custom animations", "CustomParticlesOnly": "You can only remove custom particles", "CutsceneRunning": "Another cutscene is running", "CutsceneTab": "Cutscene##TABBAR", "FightingStyle": "Fighting style", "FightingStyleSet": "Fighting style set", "IFPName": "IFP name", "InvisiblePlayer": "Invisible player", "LoopCheckbox": "Loop", "LoopCheckboxText": "Keep playing the animation on repeat", "NoTarget": "No player target found. Aim a ped with a weapon to select it for animation player.", "ParticleName": "Particle name", "ParticleRemoved": "Particle removed", "ParticleTab": "Particle##TABBAR", "PedAnim": "Ped anim", "PedAnimText": "Play animation on other peds.\nSelect with weapon target.", "RemoveAll": "Remove all", "RemoveLatest": "Remove latest", "SecondaryCheckbox": "Secondary", "SecondaryCheckboxText": "Player can move while playing the animation", "StopAnimation": "Stop Animation", "StopCutscene": "Stop cutscene", "Styles": "Styles", "WalkingStyle": "Walking style", "WalkingStyleSet": "Walking style set" }, "Main": { "TranslationLanguage": "English", "TranslationLanguageDisclaimer": "Translated to English by Grinch_", "TranslatorName": "Grinch_" }, "Menu": { "About": "About", "Author": "Author", "BugDisclaimer": "If you find bugs or have suggestions, let me know on discord.", "Build": "Build", "CheckUpdate": "Check update", "Commands": "Commands", "Config": "Config", "CopyrightDisclaimer": "Copyright Grinch_ 2019-2022. All rights reserved.", "Credits": "Credits", "DiscordServer": "Discord server", "FixVehKey": "Fix current vehicle", "FlipVehKey": "Flip current vehicle", "FreecamKey": "Toggle freecam", "GitHubRepo": "GitHub repo", "GodModeKey": "Toggle god mode", "Hotkeys": "Hotkeys", "Language": "Language", "LanguageChangeFailed": "Failed to change language!", "Name": "Name", "NoBG": "No background", "OpenCMDKey": "Open/ close command window", "OpenCMDUsing": "Open or close command window using %s", "OpenMenuKey": "Open/ close cheat menu", "Overlay": "Overlay", "Position": "Position", "QuickSSKey": "Quick screenshot", "QuickTPKey": "Toogle quick teleport", "QuickVehSpawnerCMD": "Quick vehicle spawner", "QuickVehSpawnerCMDText": "Spawn vehicles by typing their model names.\nExample: veh (veh_name)", "QuickWepSpawnerCMD": "Quick weapon spawner", "QuickWepSpawnerCMDText": "Spawn weapons by typing their model names.\nExample: wep (wep_name)", "ResetConfig": "Reset config", "ResetConfigMSG": "Config has been reset. Restart the game for it to take effect.", "ResetSize": "Reset sonfig", "SetHealthCMD": "Set health", "SetHealthCMDText": "Set player health.\nExample: hp (health).", "SetTimeCMD": "Set time", "SetTimeCMDText": "Set current game time.\nExample: time (hour) (minute).\n", "SetTimeCMDText2": "Writing something like 'time 12' would be interpreted as 'time 12 12'", "ShowCoords": "Show coordinates", "ShowCPU": "Show CPU usage", "ShowFPS": "Show FPS", "ShowLocation": "Show location", "ShowRAM": "Show RAM usage", "ShowVehHealth": "Show veh health", "ShowVehSpeed": "Show veh speed", "SkinChangerKey": "Activate aim skin changer", "TeleportCMD": "Teleport", "TeleportCMDText": "Teleports player to specified coordinates.\nExample: tp x y z", "TextColor": "Text color", "Usage": "Usage", "UsageText": "Left-click selects hotkey.\nLeft clicking outside deselects.\nRight click disables hotkey.", "VehEngineKey": "Toggle vehicle engine", "VehStartKey": "Vehicle instant start", "VehStopKey": "Vehicle instant start", "Version": "Version" }, "Teleport": { "AddLocation": "Add location", "Coordinates": "Coordinates", "CustomLocationRemoveOnly": "You can only remove custom location", "InsertCoord": "Insert coordinates", "InvalidCoord": "Invalid coordinates", "InvalidLocation": "Invalid location", "Location": "Location", "LocationHint": "Groove Street", "LocationRemoved": "Location removed", "QuickTeleport": "Quick teleport", "QuickTeleportHint": "Teleport to the location of your radar\ntarget blip using ", "TargetBlipText": "Target blip not found. You need to place it on the map first", "TeleportCenter": "Teleport to center", "TeleportMarker": "Teleport to marker", "TeleportToCoord": "Teleport to coordinates" }, "Window": { "AddNew": "Add new", "AnimationPage": "Animation", "GamePage": "Game", "MenuPage": "Menu", "PedPage": "Ped", "PlayerPage": "Player", "Search": "Search", "TeleportPage": "Teleport", "VehiclePage": "Vehicle", "VisualPage": "Visual", "WeaponPage": "Weapon" } }