#include "pch.h" #include "player.h" #include "menu.h" #include "ui.h" #include "util.h" #ifdef GTASA #include "ped.h" // hardcoded cloth category names const char* cloth_category[18] = { "Shirts", "Heads", "Trousers", "Shoes", "Tattoos left lower arm", "Tattoos left upper arm", "Tattoos right upper arm", "Tattoos right lower arm", "Tattoos back", "Tattoos left chest", "Tattoos right chest", "Tattoos stomach", "Tattoos lower back", "Necklaces", "Watches", "Glasses", "Hats", "Extras" }; static inline void PlayerModelBrokenFix() { CPlayerPed* pPlayer = FindPlayerPed(); if (pPlayer->m_nModelIndex == 0) Call<0x5A81E0>(0, pPlayer->m_pPlayerData->m_pPedClothesDesc, 0xBC1C78, false); } /* Taken from gta chaos mod by Lordmau5 https://github.com/gta-chaos-mod/Trilogy-ASI-Script */ void Player::TopDownCameraView() { CPlayerPed *player = FindPlayerPed (); CVector pos = player->GetPosition (); float curOffset = m_TopDownCamera::m_fOffset; // drunk effect causes issues Command (0, 0); CVehicle *vehicle = FindPlayerVehicle(-1, false); // TODO: implement smooth transition if (vehicle) { float speed = vehicle->m_vecMoveSpeed.Magnitude(); if (speed > 1.2f) { speed = 1.2f; } if (speed * 40.0f > 40.0f) { speed = 40.0f; } if (speed < 0.0f) { speed = 0.0f; } curOffset += speed; } CVector playerOffset = CVector (pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 2.0f); CVector cameraPos = CVector (playerOffset.x, playerOffset.y, playerOffset.z + curOffset); CColPoint outColPoint; CEntity * outEntity; // TODO: Which variable? X, Y or Z for the look direction? if (CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight (playerOffset, cameraPos, outColPoint, outEntity, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true)) { Command ( outColPoint.m_vecPoint.x, outColPoint.m_vecPoint.y, outColPoint.m_vecPoint.z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } else { Command ( cameraPos.x, cameraPos.y, cameraPos.z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } Command (pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 2); TheCamera.m_fGenerationDistMultiplier = 10.0f; TheCamera.m_fLODDistMultiplier = 10.0f; } #endif Player::Player() { #ifdef GTASA // Fix player model being broken after rebuild patch::RedirectCall(0x5A834D, &PlayerModelBrokenFix); m_bAimSkinChanger = gConfig.GetValue("aim_skin_changer", false); #endif // Custom skins setup if (GetModuleHandle("modloader.asi")) { #ifdef GTASA if (std::filesystem::is_directory(m_CustomSkins::m_Path)) { for (auto& p : std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(m_CustomSkins::m_Path)) { if (p.path().extension() == ".dff") { std::string file_name = p.path().stem().string(); if (file_name.size() < 9) m_CustomSkins::m_List.push_back(file_name); else gLog << "Custom Skin longer than 8 characters " << file_name << std::endl; } } } else { std::filesystem::create_directory(m_CustomSkins::m_Path); } #endif m_bModloaderInstalled = true; } Events::processScriptsEvent += [] { uint timer = CTimer::m_snTimeInMilliseconds; CPlayerPed* player = FindPlayerPed(); int hplayer = CPools::GetPedRef(player); if (m_KeepPosition::m_bEnabled) { if (Command(hplayer)) { m_KeepPosition::m_fPos = player->GetPosition(); } else { CVector cur_pos = player->GetPosition(); if (m_KeepPosition::m_fPos.x != 0 && m_KeepPosition::m_fPos.x != cur_pos.x && m_KeepPosition::m_fPos.y != 0 && m_KeepPosition::m_fPos.y != cur_pos.y) { BY_GAME(player->Teleport(m_KeepPosition::m_fPos, false) , player->Teleport(m_KeepPosition::m_fPos)); m_KeepPosition::m_fPos = CVector(0, 0, 0); } } } if (m_bGodMode) { #ifdef GTASA patch::Set(0x96916D, 1, false); player->m_nPhysicalFlags.bBulletProof = 1; player->m_nPhysicalFlags.bCollisionProof = 1; player->m_nPhysicalFlags.bExplosionProof = 1; player->m_nPhysicalFlags.bFireProof = 1; player->m_nPhysicalFlags.bMeeleProof = 1; #elif GTAVC player->m_nFlags.bBulletProof = 1; player->m_nFlags.bCollisionProof = 1; player->m_nFlags.bExplosionProof = 1; player->m_nFlags.bFireProof = 1; player->m_nFlags.bMeleeProof = 1; #endif } #ifdef GTASA if (m_bDrunkEffect && !m_TopDownCamera::m_bEnabled) { Command (0, 100); } if (m_TopDownCamera::m_bEnabled) { TopDownCameraView(); } if (m_bAimSkinChanger && aimSkinChanger.Pressed()) { CPed* targetPed = player->m_pPlayerTargettedPed; if (targetPed) { player->SetModelIndex(targetPed->m_nModelIndex); Util::ClearCharTasksVehCheck(player); } } #endif if (godMode.Pressed()) { if (m_bGodMode) { SetHelpMessage("God mode disabled", false, false, false); #ifdef GTASA patch::Set(0x96916D, m_bGodMode, false); player->m_nPhysicalFlags.bBulletProof = 0; player->m_nPhysicalFlags.bCollisionProof = 0; player->m_nPhysicalFlags.bExplosionProof = 0; player->m_nPhysicalFlags.bFireProof = 0; player->m_nPhysicalFlags.bMeeleProof = 0; #elif GTAVC player->m_nFlags.bBulletProof = 0; player->m_nFlags.bCollisionProof = 0; player->m_nFlags.bExplosionProof = 0; player->m_nFlags.bFireProof = 0; player->m_nFlags.bMeleeProof = 0; #endif m_bGodMode = false; } else { SetHelpMessage("God mode enabled", false, false, false); m_bGodMode = true; } } }; } #ifdef GTASA void Player::ChangePlayerCloth(std::string& name) { std::stringstream ss(name); std::string temp; getline(ss, temp, '$'); int body_part = std::stoi(temp); getline(ss, temp, '$'); std::string model = temp.c_str(); getline(ss, temp, '$'); std::string texName = temp.c_str(); CPlayerPed* player = FindPlayerPed(); if (texName == "cutoffchinosblue") { player->m_pPlayerData->m_pPedClothesDesc->SetTextureAndModel(-697413025, 744365350, body_part); } else { if (texName == "sneakerbincblue") { player->m_pPlayerData->m_pPedClothesDesc->SetTextureAndModel(-915574819, 2099005073, body_part); } else { if (texName == "12myfac") { player->m_pPlayerData->m_pPedClothesDesc->SetTextureAndModel(-1750049245, 1393983095, body_part); } else { player->m_pPlayerData->m_pPedClothesDesc->SetTextureAndModel(texName.c_str(), model.c_str(), body_part); } } } CClothes::RebuildPlayer(player, false); } #endif #ifdef GTASA void Player::ChangePlayerModel(std::string& model) { bool custom_skin = std::find(m_CustomSkins::m_List.begin(), m_CustomSkins::m_List.end(), model) != m_CustomSkins::m_List.end(); if (Ped::m_PedData.m_pJson->m_Data.contains(model) || custom_skin) { CPlayerPed* player = FindPlayerPed(); if (Ped::m_SpecialPedJson.m_Data.contains(model) || custom_skin) { std::string name; if (Ped::m_SpecialPedJson.m_Data.contains(model)) name = Ped::m_SpecialPedJson.m_Data[model].get().c_str(); else name = model; CStreaming::RequestSpecialChar(1, name.c_str(), PRIORITY_REQUEST); CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels(true); player->SetModelIndex(291); CStreaming::SetSpecialCharIsDeletable(291); } else { int imodel = std::stoi(model); CStreaming::RequestModel(imodel, eStreamingFlags::PRIORITY_REQUEST); CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels(false); player->SetModelIndex(imodel); CStreaming::SetModelIsDeletable(imodel); } Util::ClearCharTasksVehCheck(player); } } #elif GTAVC void Player::ChangePlayerModel(std::string& cat, std::string& name, std::string& id) { CPlayerPed* player = FindPlayerPed(); player->Undress(id.c_str()); CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels(false); player->Dress(); } #endif void Player::Draw() { CPlayerPed* pPlayer = FindPlayerPed(); int hplayer = CPools::GetPedRef(pPlayer); #ifdef GTASA CPad* pad = pPlayer->GetPadFromPlayer(); #endif CPlayerInfo *pInfo = &CWorld::Players[CWorld::PlayerInFocus]; if (ImGui::Button("Copy coordinates", ImVec2(Ui::GetSize(2)))) { CVector pos = pPlayer->GetPosition(); std::string text = std::to_string(pos.x) + ", " + std::to_string(pos.y) + ", " + std::to_string(pos.z); ImGui::SetClipboardText(text.c_str()); SetHelpMessage("Coordinates copied", false, false, false); } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Suicide", ImVec2(Ui::GetSize(2)))) { pPlayer->m_fHealth = 0.0; } ImGui::Spacing(); if (ImGui::BeginTabBar("Player", ImGuiTabBarFlags_NoTooltip + ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyScroll)) { if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Checkboxes")) { ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::BeginChild("CheckboxesChild"); ImGui::Columns(2, 0, false); #ifdef GTASA Ui::CheckboxAddress("Bounty on yourself", 0x96913F); ImGui::BeginDisabled(m_TopDownCamera::m_bEnabled); if (Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Drunk effect", &m_bDrunkEffect)) { if (!m_bDrunkEffect) { Command (0, 0); } } if (Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Fast Sprint", &m_bFastSprint, "Best to enable God Mode & Infinite sprint too")) { if(m_bFastSprint) { patch::Set(0x8D2458, 0.1f); } else { patch::Set(0x8D2458, 5.0f); } } ImGui::EndDisabled(); #endif Ui::CheckboxAddress("Free healthcare", (int)&pInfo->m_bFreeHealthCare); if (Ui::CheckboxWithHint("God mode", &m_bGodMode)) { #ifdef GTASA patch::Set(0x96916D, m_bGodMode, false); pPlayer->m_nPhysicalFlags.bBulletProof = m_bGodMode; pPlayer->m_nPhysicalFlags.bCollisionProof = m_bGodMode; pPlayer->m_nPhysicalFlags.bExplosionProof = m_bGodMode; pPlayer->m_nPhysicalFlags.bFireProof = m_bGodMode; pPlayer->m_nPhysicalFlags.bMeeleProof = m_bGodMode; #elif GTAVC pPlayer->m_nFlags.bBulletProof = m_bGodMode; pPlayer->m_nFlags.bCollisionProof = m_bGodMode; pPlayer->m_nFlags.bExplosionProof = m_bGodMode; pPlayer->m_nFlags.bFireProof = m_bGodMode; pPlayer->m_nFlags.bMeleeProof = m_bGodMode; #endif } #ifdef GTASA Ui::CheckboxAddress("Higher cycle jumps", 0x969161); Ui::CheckboxAddress("Infinite oxygen", 0x96916E); if (Ui::CheckboxBitFlag("Invisible player", pPlayer->m_nPedFlags.bDontRender)) { pPlayer->m_nPedFlags.bDontRender = (pPlayer->m_nPedFlags.bDontRender == 1) ? 0 : 1; } Ui::CheckboxAddress("Infinite sprint", 0xB7CEE4); #elif GTAVC Ui::CheckboxAddress("Infinite sprint", (int)&pInfo->m_bNeverGetsTired); #endif ImGui::NextColumn(); #ifdef GTASA if (Ui::CheckboxBitFlag("Lock control", pad->bPlayerSafe)) { pad->bPlayerSafe = (pad->bPlayerSafe == 1) ? 0 : 1; } Ui::CheckboxAddressEx("Max sex appeal", 0x969180, 1, 0); Ui::CheckboxAddress("Mega jump", 0x96916C); Ui::CheckboxAddress("Mega punch", 0x969173); Ui::CheckboxAddress("Never get hungry", 0x969174); bool never_wanted = patch::Get(0x969171, false); if (Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Never wanted", &never_wanted)) { CCheat::NotWantedCheat(); } #elif GTAVC static bool neverWanted = false; if (Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Never wanted", &neverWanted)) { if (neverWanted) { pPlayer->m_pWanted->CheatWantedLevel(0); pPlayer->m_pWanted->Update(); patch::SetRaw(0x4D2110, (char*)"\xC3\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90", 6); // CWanted::UpdateWantedLevel() patch::Nop(0x5373D0, 5); // CWanted::Update(); } else { pPlayer->m_pWanted->CheatWantedLevel(0); pPlayer->m_pWanted->ClearQdCrimes(); patch::SetRaw(0x4D2110, (char*)"\x8B\x15\xDC\x10\x69\x00", 6); patch::SetRaw(0x5373D0, (char*)"\xE8\x8B\xAE\xF9\xFF", 5); } } #endif Ui::CheckboxAddress("No arrest fee", (int)&pInfo->m_bGetOutOfJailFree); Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Respawn die location", &m_KeepPosition::m_bEnabled, "Respawn to the location you died from"); ImGui::Columns(1); ImGui::NewLine(); ImGui::TextWrapped("Player flags,"); ImGui::Columns(2, 0, false); bool state = BY_GAME(pPlayer->m_nPhysicalFlags.bBulletProof, pPlayer->m_nFlags.bBulletProof); if (Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Bullet proof", &state, nullptr, m_bGodMode)) { BY_GAME(pPlayer->m_nPhysicalFlags.bBulletProof, pPlayer->m_nFlags.bBulletProof) = state; } state = BY_GAME(pPlayer->m_nPhysicalFlags.bCollisionProof, pPlayer->m_nFlags.bCollisionProof); if (Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Collision proof", &state, nullptr, m_bGodMode)) { BY_GAME(pPlayer->m_nPhysicalFlags.bCollisionProof, pPlayer->m_nFlags.bCollisionProof) = state; } state = BY_GAME(pPlayer->m_nPhysicalFlags.bExplosionProof, pPlayer->m_nFlags.bExplosionProof); if (Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Explosion proof", &state, nullptr, m_bGodMode)) { BY_GAME(pPlayer->m_nPhysicalFlags.bExplosionProof, pPlayer->m_nFlags.bExplosionProof) = state; } ImGui::NextColumn(); state = BY_GAME(pPlayer->m_nPhysicalFlags.bFireProof, pPlayer->m_nFlags.bFireProof); if (Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Fire proof", &state, nullptr, m_bGodMode)) { BY_GAME(pPlayer->m_nPhysicalFlags.bFireProof, pPlayer->m_nFlags.bFireProof) = state; } state = BY_GAME(pPlayer->m_nPhysicalFlags.bMeeleProof, pPlayer->m_nFlags.bMeleeProof); if (Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Meele proof", &state, nullptr, m_bGodMode)) { BY_GAME(pPlayer->m_nPhysicalFlags.bMeeleProof, pPlayer->m_nFlags.bMeleeProof) = state; } ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Menus")) { ImGui::BeginChild("PlayerMenus"); Ui::EditReference("Armour", pPlayer->m_fArmour, 0, 100, 150); #ifdef GTASA if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Body")) { if (pPlayer->m_nModelIndex == 0) { ImGui::Columns(3, 0, false); if (ImGui::RadioButton("Fat", &m_nUiBodyState, 2)) CCheat::FatCheat(); ImGui::NextColumn(); if (ImGui::RadioButton("Muscle", &m_nUiBodyState, 1)) CCheat::MuscleCheat(); ImGui::NextColumn(); if (ImGui::RadioButton("Skinny", &m_nUiBodyState, 0)) CCheat::SkinnyCheat(); ImGui::Columns(1); } else { ImGui::TextWrapped("You need to be in CJ skin."); ImGui::Spacing(); if (ImGui::Button("Change to CJ skin", ImVec2(Ui::GetSize(1)))) { pPlayer->SetModelIndex(0); Util::ClearCharTasksVehCheck(pPlayer); } } ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Separator(); } Ui::EditStat("Energy", STAT_ENERGY); Ui::EditStat("Fat", STAT_FAT); #endif Ui::EditReference("Health", pPlayer->m_fHealth, 0, 100, BY_GAME(static_cast(pPlayer->m_fMaxHealth), 100)); #ifdef GTASA Ui::EditStat("Lung capacity", STAT_LUNG_CAPACITY); Ui::EditStat("Max health", STAT_MAX_HEALTH, 0, 569, 1450); Ui::EditAddress("Money", 0xB7CE50, -99999999, 0, 99999999); #elif GTAVC int money = pInfo->m_nMoney; Ui::EditAddress("Money", (int)&money, -9999999, 0, 99999999); pInfo->m_nMoney = money; pInfo->m_nDisplayMoney = money; #endif #ifdef GTASA Ui::EditStat("Muscle", STAT_MUSCLE); Ui::EditStat("Respect", STAT_RESPECT); Ui::EditStat("Stamina", STAT_STAMINA); if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Top down camera")) { if (ImGui::Checkbox("Enabled", &m_TopDownCamera::m_bEnabled)) { Command(); } ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SliderFloat("Camera zoom", &m_TopDownCamera::m_fOffset, 20.0f, 60.0f); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Separator(); } #endif if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Wanted level")) { #ifdef GTASA int val = pPlayer->m_pPlayerData->m_pWanted->m_nWantedLevel; int max_wl = pPlayer->m_pPlayerData->m_pWanted->MaximumWantedLevel; max_wl = max_wl < 6 ? 6 : max_wl; #elif GTAVC int val = pPlayer->m_pWanted->m_nWantedLevel; int max_wl = 6; #endif ImGui::Columns(3, 0, false); ImGui::Text("Min: 0"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Text("Def: 0"); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Text("Max: %d", max_wl); ImGui::Columns(1); ImGui::Spacing(); if (ImGui::InputInt("Set value##Wanted level", &val)) { #ifdef GTASA pPlayer->CheatWantedLevel(val); #elif GTAVC pPlayer->m_pWanted->CheatWantedLevel(val); #endif } ImGui::Spacing(); if (ImGui::Button("Minimum##Wanted level", Ui::GetSize(3))) { #ifdef GTASA pPlayer->CheatWantedLevel(0); #elif GTAVC pPlayer->m_pWanted->CheatWantedLevel(0); #endif } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Default##Wanted level", Ui::GetSize(3))) { #ifdef GTASA pPlayer->CheatWantedLevel(0); #elif GTAVC pPlayer->m_pWanted->CheatWantedLevel(0); #endif } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Maximum##Wanted level", Ui::GetSize(3))) { #ifdef GTASA pPlayer->CheatWantedLevel(max_wl); #elif GTAVC pPlayer->m_pWanted->CheatWantedLevel(max_wl); #endif } ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Separator(); } ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::EndTabItem(); } #ifdef GTASA if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Appearance")) { ImGui::Spacing(); if (Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Aim skin changer", &m_bAimSkinChanger, (("Changes to the ped, player is targeting with a weapon.\nTo use aim a ped with a weapon and press ") + aimSkinChanger.Pressed()))) gConfig.SetValue("aim_skin_changer", m_bAimSkinChanger); if (ImGui::BeginTabBar("AppearanceTabBar")) { if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Clothes")) { static int bClothOption = 0; ImGui::RadioButton("Add", &bClothOption, 0); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton("Remove", &bClothOption, 1); ImGui::Spacing(); if (pPlayer->m_nModelIndex == 0) { if (bClothOption == 0) { Ui::DrawImages(m_ClothData, ChangePlayerCloth, nullptr, [](std::string str) { std::stringstream ss(str); std::string temp; getline(ss, temp, '$'); getline(ss, temp, '$'); return temp; }, nullptr, cloth_category, sizeof(cloth_category) / sizeof(const char*)); } else { size_t count = 0; if (ImGui::Button("Remove all", ImVec2(Ui::GetSize(2)))) { CPlayerPed* player = FindPlayerPed(); for (uint i = 0; i < 18; i++) { player->m_pPlayerData->m_pPedClothesDesc->SetTextureAndModel(0u, 0u, i); } CClothes::RebuildPlayer(player, false); } ImGui::SameLine(); for (const char* clothName : cloth_category) { if (ImGui::Button(clothName, ImVec2(Ui::GetSize(2)))) { CPlayerPed* player = FindPlayerPed(); player->m_pPlayerData->m_pPedClothesDesc->SetTextureAndModel(0u, 0u, count); CClothes::RebuildPlayer(player, false); } if (count % 2 != 0) { ImGui::SameLine(); } ++count; } ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::TextWrapped("If CJ is wearing a full suit, click 'Extras/ Remove all' to remove it."); } } else { ImGui::TextWrapped("You need to be in CJ skin."); ImGui::Spacing(); if (ImGui::Button("Change to CJ skin", ImVec2(Ui::GetSize(1)))) { pPlayer->SetModelIndex(0); Util::ClearCharTasksVehCheck(pPlayer); } } ImGui::EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Ped skins")) { Ui::DrawImages(Ped::m_PedData, ChangePlayerModel, nullptr, [](std::string str) { return Ped::m_PedData.m_pJson->m_Data[str].get(); }); ImGui::EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Custom skins")) { ImGui::Spacing(); if (m_bModloaderInstalled) { Ui::FilterWithHint("Search", m_ClothData.m_Filter, std::string("Total skins: " + std::to_string(m_CustomSkins::m_List.size())) .c_str()); Ui::ShowTooltip("Place your dff & txd files inside 'modloader/Custom Skins'"); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::TextWrapped( "Note: Your txd & dff names can't exceed 8 characters. Don't change names while the game is running."); ImGui::Spacing(); for (std::string name : m_CustomSkins::m_List) { if (m_CustomSkins::m_Filter.PassFilter(name.c_str())) { if (ImGui::MenuItem(name.c_str())) { ChangePlayerModel(name); } } } } else { ImGui::TextWrapped( "Custom skin allows to change player skins without replacing any existing game ped skins.\n\ Steps to enable 'Custom Skins',\n\n\ 1. Download & install modloader\n\ 2. Create a folder inside 'modloader' folder with the name 'Custom Skins'\n\ 3. Download ped skins online ( .dff & .txd files) and put them inside.\n\ 4. Restart your game.\n\n\n\ Limitations:\n\ 1. Your .dff & .txd file names must not exceed 8 characters.\n\ 2. Do not rename them while the game is running\n\ \nDoing so will crash your game."); ImGui::Spacing(); if (ImGui::Button("Download Modloader", ImVec2(Ui::GetSize(1)))) ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "https://gtaforums.com/topic/669520-mod-loader/", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } ImGui::EndTabItem(); } ImGui::EndTabBar(); } ImGui::EndTabItem(); } #elif GTAVC if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Skins")) { ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Text("Info"); Ui::ShowTooltip("Not all ped skins work. I've added the ones that works!"); Ui::DrawJSON(skinData, ChangePlayerModel, nullptr); ImGui::EndTabItem(); } #endif ImGui::EndTabBar(); } }