#include "pch.h" #include "menu.h" #include "game.h" #include "ui.h" #include "util.h" #ifdef GTASA #include #include #include #endif static bool bSaveGameFlag = false; // Thanks to aap void Game::RealTimeClock() { time_t tmp = time(nullptr); struct tm* now = localtime(&tmp); #ifdef GTASA static int lastday; if (now->tm_yday != lastday) { CStats::SetStatValue(0x86, CStats::GetStatValue(0x86) + 1.0f); } lastday = now->tm_yday; CClock::ms_nGameClockMonth = now->tm_mon + 1; CClock::ms_nGameClockDays = now->tm_mday; CClock::CurrentDay = now->tm_wday + 1; #endif CClock::ms_nGameClockHours = now->tm_hour; CClock::ms_nGameClockMinutes = now->tm_min; CClock::ms_nGameClockSeconds = now->tm_sec; } Game::Game() { #ifdef GTASA // Generate enabled cheats vector for (auto element : m_RandomCheats::m_Json.m_Data.items()) { /* [ cheat_id = [ cheat_name, state (true/false) ] ] */ m_RandomCheats::m_EnabledCheats[std::stoi(element.key())][0] = element.value().get(); m_RandomCheats::m_EnabledCheats[std::stoi(element.key())][1] = "true"; } Events::drawMenuBackgroundEvent += []() { if (bSaveGameFlag) { FrontEndMenuManager.m_nCurrentMenuPage = MENUPAGE_GAME_SAVE; bSaveGameFlag = false; } }; Events::drawingEvent += []() { if (m_RandomCheats::m_bEnabled && m_RandomCheats::m_bProgressBar) { // Next cheat timer bar uint screenWidth = screen::GetScreenWidth(); uint screenHeight = screen::GetScreenHeight(); uint timer = CTimer::m_snTimeInMilliseconds; uint totalTime = m_RandomCheats::m_nInterval; float progress = (totalTime - (timer - m_RandomCheats::m_nTimer) / 1000.0f) / totalTime; CRect sizeBox = CRect(0,0, screenWidth, screenHeight/50); CRect sizeProgress = CRect(0,0, screenWidth*progress, screenHeight/50); CRGBA colorBG = CRGBA(24, 99, 44, 255); CRGBA colorProgress = CRGBA(33, 145, 63, 255); CSprite2d::DrawRect(sizeBox, colorBG); CSprite2d::DrawRect(sizeProgress, colorProgress); } }; #endif Events::processScriptsEvent += [] { uint timer = CTimer::m_snTimeInMilliseconds; CPlayerPed* pPlayer = FindPlayerPed(); int hplayer = CPools::GetPedRef(pPlayer); #ifdef GTASA if (m_bScreenShot) { if (quickSceenShot.Pressed()) { Command(); SetHelpMessage("Screenshot taken", false, false, false); } } if (m_HardMode::m_bEnabled) { if (pPlayer->m_fHealth > 50.0f) pPlayer->m_fHealth = 50.0f; pPlayer->m_fArmour = 0.0f; CStats::SetStatValue(STAT_MAX_HEALTH, 350.0f); CStats::SetStatValue(STAT_STAMINA, 0.0f); } if (m_bSolidWater) { CVector pos = pPlayer->GetPosition(); float waterHeight = 0; Command(pos.x, pos.y, false, &waterHeight); if (!Command(hplayer) && waterHeight != -1000.0f && pos.z > (waterHeight)) { if (m_nSolidWaterObj == 0) { Command(3095, pos.x, pos.y, waterHeight, &m_nSolidWaterObj); Command(m_nSolidWaterObj, false); if (pos.z < (waterHeight + 1)) { pPlayer->SetPosn(pos.x, pos.y, waterHeight + 1); } } else { Command(m_nSolidWaterObj, pos.x, pos.y, waterHeight); } } else { if (m_nSolidWaterObj != 0) { Command(m_nSolidWaterObj); m_nSolidWaterObj = 0; } } } if (freeCam.Pressed()) { if (m_Freecam::m_bEnabled) { m_Freecam::m_bEnabled = false; ClearFreecamStuff(); } else { m_Freecam::m_bEnabled = true; } } if (m_Freecam::m_bEnabled) { FreeCam(); } #endif // improve this later if (m_bSyncTime && timer - m_nSyncTimer > 50) { std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr); std::tm* now = std::localtime(&t); CClock::ms_nGameClockHours = now->tm_hour; CClock::ms_nGameClockMinutes = now->tm_min; m_nSyncTimer = timer; } #ifdef GTASA if (m_RandomCheats::m_bEnabled) { if ((timer - m_RandomCheats::m_nTimer) > (static_cast(m_RandomCheats::m_nInterval) * 1000)) { int id = Random(0, 91); for (int i = 0; i < 92; i++) { if (i == id) { if (m_RandomCheats::m_EnabledCheats[i][1] == "true") { Call<0x00438370>(id); // cheatEnableLegimate(int CheatID) CMessages::AddMessage((char*)m_RandomCheats::m_EnabledCheats[i][0].c_str(), 2000, 0, false); m_RandomCheats::m_nTimer = timer; } break; } } } } #endif }; } void SetPlayerMission(std::string& rootkey, std::string& name, std::string& id) { CPlayerPed* player = FindPlayerPed(); uint hplayer = CPools::GetPedRef(player); int interior = 0; Command<0x09E8>(hplayer, &interior); if (BY_GAME(Util::IsOnMission(), true) && interior == 0) { player->SetWantedLevel(0); Command(std::stoi(id)); } else SetHelpMessage("Can't start mission now", false, false, false); } #ifdef GTASA void Game::FreeCam() { int deltaSpeed = m_Freecam::m_fSpeed * (CTimer::m_snTimeInMillisecondsNonClipped - CTimer::m_snPreviousTimeInMillisecondsNonClipped); if (!m_Freecam::m_bInitDone) { CPlayerPed* player = FindPlayerPed(-1); Command(0, true); m_Freecam::m_bHudState = patch::Get(0xBA6769); // hud m_Freecam::m_bRadarState = patch::Get(0xBA676C); // radar patch::Set(0xBA6769, 0); // hud patch::Set(0xBA676C, 2); // radar CVector player_pos = player->GetPosition(); CPad::GetPad(0)->DisablePlayerControls = true; Command(player_pos.x, player_pos.y, player_pos.z, &m_Freecam::m_nPed); m_Freecam::m_pPed = CPools::GetPed(m_Freecam::m_nPed); m_Freecam::m_pPed->m_bIsVisible = false; Command(m_Freecam::m_nPed, true); Command(m_Freecam::m_nPed, false); Command(m_Freecam::m_nPed, false); m_Freecam::m_fTotalMouse.x = player->GetHeading() + 89.6f; m_Freecam::m_fTotalMouse.y = 0; m_Freecam::m_bInitDone = true; player_pos.z -= 20; m_Freecam::m_pPed->SetPosn(player_pos); TheCamera.LerpFOV(TheCamera.FindCamFOV(), m_Freecam::m_fFOV, 1000, true); Command(true); } CVector pos = m_Freecam::m_pPed->GetPosition(); Command(&m_Freecam::m_fMouse.x, &m_Freecam::m_fMouse.y); m_Freecam::m_fTotalMouse.x = m_Freecam::m_fTotalMouse.x - m_Freecam::m_fMouse.x / 250; m_Freecam::m_fTotalMouse.y = m_Freecam::m_fTotalMouse.y + m_Freecam::m_fMouse.y / 3; if (m_Freecam::m_fTotalMouse.x > 150) { m_Freecam::m_fTotalMouse.y = 150; } if (m_Freecam::m_fTotalMouse.y < -150) { m_Freecam::m_fTotalMouse.y = -150; } if (freeCamTeleportPlayer.Pressed()) { CPlayerPed* player = FindPlayerPed(-1); CVector pos = m_Freecam::m_pPed->GetPosition(); CEntity* player_entity = FindPlayerEntity(-1); pos.z = CWorld::FindGroundZFor3DCoord(pos.x, pos.y, 1000, nullptr, &player_entity) + 0.5f; Command(CPools::GetPedRef(player), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); // disble them again cause they get enabled CHud::bScriptDontDisplayRadar = true; CHud::m_Wants_To_Draw_Hud = false; SetHelpMessage("Player telported", false, false, false); } if (KeyPressed(VK_RCONTROL)) { deltaSpeed /= 2; } if (KeyPressed(VK_RSHIFT)) { deltaSpeed *= 2; } if (KeyPressed(VK_KEY_I) || KeyPressed(VK_KEY_K)) { if (KeyPressed(VK_KEY_K)) { deltaSpeed *= -1; } float angle; Command(m_Freecam::m_nPed, &angle); pos.x += deltaSpeed * cos(angle * 3.14159f / 180.0f); pos.y += deltaSpeed * sin(angle * 3.14159f / 180.0f); pos.z += deltaSpeed * 2 * sin(m_Freecam::m_fTotalMouse.y / 3 * 3.14159f / 180.0f); } if (KeyPressed(VK_KEY_J) || KeyPressed(VK_KEY_L)) { if (KeyPressed(VK_KEY_J)) { deltaSpeed *= -1; } float angle; Command(m_Freecam::m_nPed, &angle); angle -= 90; pos.x += deltaSpeed * cos(angle * 3.14159f / 180.0f); pos.y += deltaSpeed * sin(angle * 3.14159f / 180.0f); } if (CPad::NewMouseControllerState.wheelUp) { if (m_Freecam::m_fFOV > 10.0f) { m_Freecam::m_fFOV -= 2.0f * deltaSpeed; } TheCamera.LerpFOV(TheCamera.FindCamFOV(), m_Freecam::m_fFOV, 250, true); Command(true); } if (CPad::NewMouseControllerState.wheelDown) { if (m_Freecam::m_fFOV < 115.0f) { m_Freecam::m_fFOV += 2.0f * deltaSpeed; } TheCamera.LerpFOV(TheCamera.FindCamFOV(), m_Freecam::m_fFOV, 250, true); Command(true); } m_Freecam::m_pPed->SetHeading(m_Freecam::m_fTotalMouse.x); Command(m_Freecam::m_nPed, 0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 90.0, 180, m_Freecam::m_fTotalMouse.y, 0.0, 2); m_Freecam::m_pPed->SetPosn(pos); CIplStore::AddIplsNeededAtPosn(pos); } void Game::ClearFreecamStuff() { m_Freecam::m_bInitDone = false; Command(0, false); patch::Set(BY_GAME(0xBA6769, 0x86963A), m_Freecam::m_bHudState); // hud patch::Set(0xBA676C, m_Freecam::m_bRadarState); // radar CPad::GetPad(0)->DisablePlayerControls = false; Command(m_Freecam::m_nPed); m_Freecam::m_pPed = nullptr; Command(false); Command(); } #endif void Game::Draw() { ImGui::Spacing(); CPlayerPed* pPlayer = FindPlayerPed(); int hplayer = CPools::GetPedRef(pPlayer); #ifdef GTASA if (ImGui::Button("Save game (might cause game bugs)", Ui::GetSize())) { FrontEndMenuManager.m_bActivateMenuNextFrame = true; bSaveGameFlag = true; } ImGui::Spacing(); #endif if (ImGui::BeginTabBar("Game", ImGuiTabBarFlags_NoTooltip + ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyScroll)) { if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Checkboxes")) { ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Columns(2, nullptr, false); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Disable cheats", &m_bDisableCheats)) { if (m_bDisableCheats) { #ifdef GTASA patch::Set(0x4384D0, 0xE9, false); patch::SetInt(0x4384D1, 0xD0, false); patch::Nop(0x4384D5, 4, false); #elif GTAVC patch::Nop(0x602BD8, 5); patch::Nop(0x602BE7, 5); #endif } else { #ifdef GTASA patch::Set(0x4384D0, 0x83, false); patch::SetInt(0x4384D1, -0x7DF0F908, false); // correct? patch::SetInt(0x4384D5, 0xCC, false); #elif GTAVC patch::SetRaw(0x602BD8, (char*)"\x88\xD8\x89\xF1\x50", 5); patch::SetRaw(0x602BE7, (char*)"\xE8\x34\x91\xEA\xFF", 5); #endif } } if (ImGui::Checkbox("Disable F1 & F3 replay", &m_bDisableReplay)) { if (m_bDisableReplay) { patch::SetUChar(BY_GAME(0x460500, 0x624EC0), 0xC3); } else { patch::SetUChar(BY_GAME(0x460500, 0x624EC0), 0x80); } } Ui::CheckboxAddress("Faster clock", BY_GAME(0x96913B, 0xA10B87)); #ifdef GTASA if (Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Forbidden area wl", &m_bForbiddenArea, "Wanted levels that appears outside \ of LS without completing missions")) { if (m_bForbiddenArea) { patch::Set(0x441770, 0x83, false); } else { patch::Set(0x441770, 0xC3, false); } } #endif Ui::CheckboxAddress("Free pay n spray", 0x96C009); #ifdef GTAVC ImGui::NextColumn(); #endif Ui::CheckboxAddress("Freeze game", 0xA10B48); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Freeze game time", &m_bFreezeTime)) { if (m_bFreezeTime) { patch::SetRaw(BY_GAME(0x52CF10, 0x487010), (char*)"\xEB\xEF", 2); } else { patch::SetRaw(BY_GAME(0x52CF10, 0x487010), (char*)BY_GAME("\x56\x8B","\x6A\x01"), 2); } } #ifdef GTASA ImGui::NextColumn(); #endif if (ImGui::Checkbox("Freeze misson timer", &m_bMissionTimer)) { Command(m_bMissionTimer); } #ifdef GTASA if (Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Hard mode", &m_HardMode::m_bEnabled, "Makes the game more challanging to play. \n\ Lowers armour, health, stamina etc.")) { CPlayerPed* player = FindPlayerPed(); if (m_HardMode::m_bEnabled) { m_HardMode::m_fBacArmour = player->m_fArmour; m_HardMode::m_fBacHealth = player->m_fHealth; m_HardMode::m_fBacMaxHealth = CStats::GetStatValue(STAT_MAX_HEALTH); m_HardMode::m_fBacStamina = CStats::GetStatValue(STAT_STAMINA); player->m_fHealth = 50.0f; } else { player->m_fArmour = m_HardMode::m_fBacArmour; CStats::SetStatValue(STAT_STAMINA, m_HardMode::m_fBacStamina); CStats::SetStatValue(STAT_MAX_HEALTH, m_HardMode::m_fBacMaxHealth); player->m_fHealth = m_HardMode::m_fBacHealth; CWeaponInfo::LoadWeaponData(); } } if (Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Keep stuff", &m_bKeepStuff, "Keep stuff after arrest/death")) { Command(m_bKeepStuff); Command(m_bKeepStuff); } Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Screenshot shortcut", &m_bScreenShot, (("Take screenshot using ") + quickSceenShot.GetNameString() + "\nSaved inside 'GTA San Andreas User Files\\Gallery'").c_str()); if (Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Solid water", &m_bSolidWater, "Player can walk on water\nTurn this off if you want to swim.")) { if (!m_bSolidWater && m_nSolidWaterObj != 0) { Command(m_nSolidWaterObj); m_nSolidWaterObj = 0; } } #endif if (ImGui::Checkbox("Sync system time", &m_bSyncTime)) { if (m_bSyncTime) { patch::RedirectCall(BY_GAME(0x53BFBD, 0x4A44F7), &RealTimeClock); } else { patch::RedirectCall(BY_GAME(0x53BFBD, 0x4A44F7), &CClock::Update); } } ImGui::Columns(1); ImGui::EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Menus")) { #ifdef GTASA if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Current day")) { int day = CClock::CurrentDay - 1; if (Ui::ListBox("Select day", m_DayNames, day)) { CClock::CurrentDay = day + 1; } ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Separator(); } #endif Ui::EditAddress("Days passed", BY_GAME(0xB79038,0x97F1F4), 0, 9999); Ui::EditReference("FPS limit", BY_GAME(RsGlobal.frameLimit, RsGlobal.maxFPS), 1, 30, 60); #ifdef GTASA if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Free cam")) { if (Ui::CheckboxWithHint("Enable", &m_Freecam::m_bEnabled, "Forward: I\tBackward: K\ \nLeft: J\t\t Right: L\n\nSlower: RCtrl\tFaster: RShift\n\nZoom: Mouse wheel")) { if (!m_Freecam::m_bEnabled) { ClearFreecamStuff(); } } ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SliderFloat("Field of view", &m_Freecam::m_fFOV, 5.0f, 120.0f); ImGui::SliderFloat("Movement Speed", &m_Freecam::m_fSpeed, 0.0f, 0.5f); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::TextWrapped("Press Enter to teleport player to camera location"); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Separator(); } #endif Ui::EditReference("Game speed", CTimer::ms_fTimeScale, 1, 1, 10); Ui::EditFloat("Gravity", BY_GAME(0x863984,0x68F5F0), -1.0f, 0.008f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.01f); if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Set time")) { int hour = CClock::ms_nGameClockHours; int minute = CClock::ms_nGameClockMinutes; if (ImGui::InputInt("Hour", &hour)) { if (hour < 0) hour = 23; if (hour > 23) hour = 0; CClock::ms_nGameClockHours = hour; } if (ImGui::InputInt("Minute", &minute)) { if (minute < 0) minute = 59; if (minute > 59) minute = 0; CClock::ms_nGameClockMinutes = minute; } ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Separator(); } #ifdef GTASA static std::vector themes{ {"Beach", 0x969159}, {"Country", 0x96917D}, {"Fun house", 0x969176}, {"Ninja", 0x96915C} }; Ui::EditRadioButtonAddress("Themes", themes); #endif if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Weather")) { #ifdef GTASA if (ImGui::Button("Foggy", Ui::GetSize(3))) { Call<0x438F80>(); } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Overcast", Ui::GetSize(3))) { Call<0x438F60>(); } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Rainy", Ui::GetSize(3))) { Call<0x438F70>(); } if (ImGui::Button("Sandstorm", Ui::GetSize(3))) { Call<0x439590>(); } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Thunderstorm", Ui::GetSize(3))) { Call<0x439570>(); } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Very sunny", Ui::GetSize(3))) { Call<0x438F50>(); } #elif GTAVC if (ImGui::Button("Sunny", Ui::GetSize(3))) { CWeather::ForceWeatherNow(0); } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Cloudy", Ui::GetSize(3))) { CWeather::ForceWeatherNow(1); } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Rainy", Ui::GetSize(3))) { CWeather::ForceWeatherNow(2); } if (ImGui::Button("Foggy", Ui::GetSize(3))) { CWeather::ForceWeatherNow(3); } #endif ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Separator(); } ImGui::EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Missions")) { ImGui::Spacing(); if (!m_bMissionLoaderWarningShown) { ImGui::TextWrapped("Mission loader may cause,\n\ 1. Game crashes\n\ 2. Break save games\n\ 3. Break game progression\n\ 4. Random bugs & glitches\n\n\ It's recommanded not to save after using the mission loader. Use it at your own risk!"); ImGui::Spacing(); if (ImGui::Button("Show mission loader", ImVec2(Ui::GetSize()))) m_bMissionLoaderWarningShown = true; } else { if (ImGui::Button("Fail current mission", ImVec2(Ui::GetSize()))) { if (!Util::IsOnCutscene()) { Command(); } } ImGui::Spacing(); Ui::DrawJSON(m_MissionData, SetPlayerMission, nullptr); } ImGui::EndTabItem(); } #ifdef GTASA if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Stats")) { // similar to Ui::DrawJSON() ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::PushItemWidth(ImGui::GetContentRegionAvailWidth() / 2 - 5); Ui::ListBoxStr("##Categories", m_StatData.m_Categories, m_StatData.m_Selected); ImGui::SameLine(); Ui::FilterWithHint("##Filter", m_StatData.m_Filter, "Search"); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::BeginChild("STATCHILD"); for (auto root : m_StatData.m_pJson->m_Data.items()) { if (root.key() == m_StatData.m_Selected || m_StatData.m_Selected == "All") { for (auto _data : root.value().items()) { std::string name = _data.value().get(); if (m_StatData.m_Filter.PassFilter(name.c_str())) { Ui::EditStat(name.c_str(), std::stoi(_data.key())); } } } } ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Random cheats")) { ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Columns(2, NULL, false); ImGui::Checkbox("Enable", &m_RandomCheats::m_bEnabled); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Checkbox("Progress bar", &m_RandomCheats::m_bProgressBar); ImGui::Columns(1); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::PushItemWidth(ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() / 2); ImGui::SliderInt("Activate cheat timer", &m_RandomCheats::m_nInterval, 5, 60); Ui::ShowTooltip("Time for the next cheat activation."); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); ImGui::TextWrapped("Select cheats"); ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::BeginChild("Cheats list")) { for (std::string* element : m_RandomCheats::m_EnabledCheats) { bool selected = (element[1] == "true") ? true : false; if (ImGui::MenuItem(element[0].c_str(), nullptr, selected)) { element[1] = selected ? "false" : "true"; } } ImGui::EndChild(); } ImGui::EndTabItem(); } #endif ImGui::EndTabBar(); } }