"ForbiddenWantedLevelText":"Wanted levels that appears outside of LS without completing missions",
"FPSLimit":"FPS limit",
"FreecamTip":"Press Enter to teleport player to camera location",
"FreePNS":"Free pay n spray",
"FreezeGame":"Freeze game",
"FreezeGameTime":"Freeze game time",
"FunHouse":"Fun house",
"GameSpeed":"Game speed",
"HardMode":"Hard mode",
"HardModeText":"Makes the game more challanging to play.\nLowers armour, health, stamina etc.",
"KeepStuff":"Keep stuff",
"KeepStuffText":"Keep stuff after arrest/death",
"MissionLoaderTip":"Mission loader may cause,\n\n1. Game crashes\n\n2. Break save games\n\n3. Break game progression\n\n4. Random bugs & glitches\n\n\nIt's recommanded not to save after using the mission loader. Use it at your own risk!",
"MissionStartFailed":"Can't start mission now",
"MovementSpeed":"Movement speed",
"PlayerTeleported":"Player teleported",
"ProgressBar":"Progress bar",
"RandomCheats":"Random cheats",
"SaveGame":"Save game (might cause game bugs)",
"Screenshot":"Screenshot shortcut",
"ScreenshotTaken":"Screenshot taken",
"SelectCheats":"Select cheats",
"SelectDay":"Select day",
"SetTime":"Set time",
"ShowLoader":"Show mission loader",
"SolidWater":"Solid water",
"SolidWaterText":"Player can walk on water\nTurn this off if you want to swim.",
"SyncSystemTime":"Sync system time",
"VerySunny":"Very sunny",
"WeatherID":"Weather ID",
"WeatherIDText":"Sets weather by IDs (0-255). Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!"
"AimSkinChangerTip":"Changes to the ped, player is targeting with a weapon.\nTo use aim a ped with a weapon and press ",
"BountyYourself":"Bounty on yourself",
"BulletProof":"Bullet proof",
"CameraZoom":"Camera zoom",
"ChangeToCJ":"Change to CJ skin",
"ClothesTip":"If CJ is wearing a full suit, click 'Extras' or 'Remove all' to remove it.",
"CollisionProof":"Collision proof",
"CoordCopied":"Coordinates copied",
"CopyCoordinates":"Copy coordinates",
"CustomSkinsDirTip":"Place your dff & txd files inside 'modloader/CustomSkins'",
"CustomSkinsTab":"Custom skins",
"CustomSkinsTip":"Note: Your txd & dff names can't exceed 8 characters. Don't change names while the game is running.",
"CustomSkinTutorial":"Custom skin allows to change player skins without replacing any existing game ped skins.\n\nSteps to enable 'Custom Skins',\n\n\n1. Download & install modloader\n\n2. Create a folder inside 'modloader' folder with the name 'CustomSkins'\n\n3. Download ped skins online ( .dff & .txd files) and put them inside.\n\n4. Restart your game.\n\n\n\nLimitations:\n\n1. Your .dff & .txd file names must not exceed 8 characters.\n\n2. Do not rename them while the game is running\n\n\nDoing so will crash your game.",
"CycleJump":"Higher cycle jumps",
"DownloadModloader":"Download modloader",
"DrunkEffect":"Drunk effect",
"ExplosionProof":"Explosion proof",
"FastSprint":"Fast sprint",
"FastSprintTip":"Best to enable God Mode & Infinite sprint too",
"FireProof":"Fire proof",
"FreeHealthcare":"Free healthcare",
"GodDisabled":"God mode disabled",
"GodEnabled":"God mode enabled",
"GodMode":"God mode",
"HealthRegen":"Health regeneration",
"HealthRegenTip":"Player heals if not taken damage for 5 seconds",
"InfO2":"Infinite oxygen",
"InfSprint":"Infinite sprint",
"InvisPlayer":"Invisible player",
"LockControl":"Lock control",
"LungCapacity":"Lung capacity",
"MaxAppeal":"Max sex appeal",
"MaxHealth":"Max health",
"MeeleProof":"Meele proof",
"MegaJump":"Mega jump",
"MegaPunch":"Mega punch",
"NeedCJSkin":"You need to be in CJ skin",
"NeverGetHungry":"Never get hungry",
"NeverWanted":"Never wanted",
"NoFee":"No arrest fee",
"PedSkinsTab":"Ped skins",
"PlayerFlags":"Player flags,",
"RemoveAll":"Remove all",
"RemoveClothesTab":"Remove clothes",
"RespawnDieLoc":"Respawn die location",
"RespawnDieLocTip":"Respawn to the location you died from",
"SkinChangeFrozen":"Player must be frozen to change skins",
"SpecialNotImplement":"Spawning special peds isn't implemented yet",
"TopDownCamera":"Top down camera",
"TotalSkins":"Total skins: ",
"WantedLevel":"Wanted level",
"WorkSkinOnly":"Only contains the skins that works"